Chicago PD Review: Making the Choice

Chicago PD Review: Making the Choice

On Chicago PD, Erin lends a helping hand to a suspect, Jason blames Voight and Jay grows more agitated about the Rodiger family. Read on for our review of the emotionally charged episode!
Posted in: Chicago PD
Revolution Review: What is God?

Revolution Review: What is God?

On Revolution, Charlie, Connor and Monroe plan a New Vegas heist while Tom and Jason work a new mission. Read our review to see how they made out!
Posted in: Revolution
Psych Review: Free At Last

Psych Review: Free At Last

On Psych, Woody gets taken hostage and it's up to Shawn and Gus to get him out alive. Do they have what it takes?
Posted in: Psych
Arrow Review: Just Getting Started

Arrow Review: Just Getting Started

On Arrow, Roy is given a crash course in superhero behavior. Elsewhere, another earthquake machine stolen from Merlyn's house to be sold on the market and Blood gets a component in the mayoral race.
Posted in: Arrow