Maya: Stupid idiot. I ruined it. I ruined everything. I ruined the window!
Beckett: May I help you? I used to help my ex-wife with hers.

Maya: Oh my God, you're dad. You've become dad.
Mason: Don't pull that crap on me.
Maya: No, actually, you're worse. I came here trying to save you or something, but now I get it. That's not possible. You can never be a part of my life, Mason, not like this. You're not allowed to touch the beautiful life that I created because you would ruin it. I have love that we never knew existed as kids, and I wanted you to have that too, but you don't want it. And I won't risk losing it, so...

Mason: I matter to these people. No one ever told me that I mattered.
Maya: You matter to me! Just let me get you out of this place, and see how it feels.
Mason: And go where?
Maya: Move in with me. You don't know what real family feels like. Let me show you!

Congratulations, Dr. DeLuca ... on your excellent care. I just want you to know that if you win today, my daughter loses.


Mason: Why do you care so much about a gay parade?
Maya: Because they're my people, Mason! You're harassing me and my community!

Mason: I matter to these people. No one ever told me that I mattered--
Maya: You matter to me, Mason!

Mason: Maya, what are you doing here?
Maya: I wanted to talk to you.
Mason: I've got nothing to say to you.
Maya: You don't have ten minutes to spare for your own sister?

I once knew a soldier named Morris, who did the unthinkable for us. Legacy fit for a plaque, from a life that gave back, and a heart that beat love so enormous.


Maya: Oh, I get it, whereas mine, my shots, and shots, and shots, make me feel terrible. We're doing IVF, my eggs, her oven, and it's awful! It's awful! It's like I can feel my own follicles growing my eggs, it's like grape jelly. It's like grape jelly just sloshing around inside of me! I love how your shots make you feel incredible, while mine make me feel like a bloated chicken coop!
Beckett: Chicken coop?
Maya: Because I am a freaking egg factory, Beckett! IVF, keep up!

Of course, I am talking about me! I'm talking about me who takes care of everyone, all the time, my entire life. Me who tables my feelings, and my sadness, and my confusion, and my fear, and cracks a joke to make you all to make you all feel better and more capable and fine, even when I'm not fine. When I can't breathe because it's so scary, when I can't even see through a fog...


Vic: I'm the baby.
Travis: Yeah, sometimes you get to be the baby, and other people take care of you. Oh, I love you, and I will always take care of you.

What we do is hard, what we see and experience every day in this job is hard. This is an acknowledgment of that as well as a safe place to discuss it.


Station 19 Quotes

This is going to get worse.


Maya: At least I won't be transferring to 23 anymore.
Dean: You won't?
Maya: Instead I'll be going to jail for harboring a fugitive.