Catching Up Over Coffee - Tracker Season 1 Episode 13
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In Sandy Point, Oregon, Katie and Dylan, storm chasers, are out on the water preparing to track a storm when Katie sees something approaching them.

Colter travels to Sandy Point, as Lizzy, an old family friend, calls him after Katie and Dylan disappear. She tells him the police have yet to locate either person or the boat. She tells him to visit Rachel, the third person on their team.

While en route to Rachel, Colter calls Reenie, who is in the process of moving out of her office after quitting her job. He asks if she's gotten word from Russell, but she says she has yet to.

Colter talks to Rachel, who plays for him a recording of the radio message Katie left before they lost contact. Colter gets a copy of the tape to send to Bobby, and the two then head out on the water to look for the cameras attached to the buoys.

While out on the water, they find Dylan's body in the water.

Colter meets Sheriff Woods and Deputy Kelman at the scene, and he says that Dylan looked like he'd been in a fight and his dry suit had been cut up. The sheriff tells him not to jump to any conclusions.

Colter talks to Deputy Kelman privately, who confides in him that Dylan and Katie fought with the Sampson brothers on the beach shortly before the storm chasers disappeared. Dylan used to run with the brothers, and the altercation was believed to be over territory.

Colter heads to the beach and talks to Beau Sampson, who says that the fight with Dylan was about Katie getting into their business. Beau's brother, Xavier, then comes over and picks a fight with Colter, resulting in him putting Beau in a headlock before he leaves.

Colter listens to the cleaned-up audio from Katie's radio call, and they discover Katie saw someone coming at them on the water. Bobby then checks Katie and Dylan's cell phones; they were at an abandoned building in the middle of the night days prior.

Colter heads to the building and sees cameras installed outside. The same cameras Katie and Dylan use for their business.

Inside the building, Colter finds a dead body.

At the morgue, Deputy Kelman confirms the body isn't Katie's but a woman who went missing three years ago, Haley. Colter believes Dylan and Katie put up the cameras to catch whoever killed her.

Colter talks to Lizzy and asks if she knows anything about them looking for Haley's killer, but she says no. She then gives Colter the keys to Dylan and Katie's place, and the door is ajar when he gets there.

Colter finds a burner phone inside, and the Kelman finds him there. Colter says he believes Woods is trying to cover things up, and Kelman assures him that he wants to find Katie.

The two listen to a message on the burner phone and hear Dylan telling a man named Talbot that he knows where Haley's body is. Colter deduces that the Sampson brothers and Dylan supplied drugs and girls for parties.

Colter calls Reenie, who got information on Talbot. She says he's a shady man who's under investigation for racketeering and sex trafficking.

Colter goes to Talbots, and after being denied entry at the gate, he hops over it and is confronted by security guards. After a guard punches him in the stomach, he leaves the property and calls Bobby, who used the time Colter was close to the house to piggyback off his cell phone and hack into Talbot's wi-fi. He then gets into the security guard's phone and discovers he called Xavier as Colter left.

Colter heads to Xavier's location and calls Reenie, who tells him she's headed to Talbot.

Reenie publicly confronts Talbot, mentioning Haley's name and telling him he's going down.

Colter looks on at Xavier from the woods and sees him meeting with Sheriff Woods. After realizing Xavier made him, he tries to leave but is confronted by Beau, who holds him at gunpoint.

Colter talks him down from shooting him and gets him to admit that he let Katie go but doesn't know if she's alive or dead.

Colter finds Katie hiding on a secluded stretch of land, and she tells him that Beau killed Dylan. She jumped overboard before Beau picked her up and pitched her on shore.

Xavier comes looking for Katie on the beach, but Colter drops him and steals his gun before Katie hits him in the head from behind.

Sheriff Woods goes to Lizzy's and says that Katie has been found and comes inside her home.

Colter gets a call from Lizzy's phone, but it's the sheriff saying that he needs to bring Katie to him or he's going to kill Lizzy.

Colter shows up at Lizzy's with Kelman, who has a gun to Colter's back. He tells Woods that Katie is in the car out front, and Woods goes only to realize he's been set up and promptly arrested by the FBI.

Katie and Lizzy are reunited, while Talbot gets arrested.

Reenie calls Colter and tells her that Russell made contact with her and sent a selfie of himself from the beaches of Argentina. Colter then invites her to spend time with him in the woods, but she declines.

Colter goes to Lizzy's restaurant, and the two reminisce. Lizzy then tells him that her mom and his dad were having an affair, which Colter didn't know.

She also says after her mother died, she found a box full of journals and papers that belonged to Ashton. And it triggered a memory she had of seeing Ashton outside her house shortly before he died. She said he and her mother argued, then they hugged, and he gave her the box.

Lizzy then says she gave the box to Dory, and Colter realizes Dory never told him about it. And Lizzy wonders if maybe people were trying to protect him.

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Tracker Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Deputy Kelman: If they'd come to me, I would of done the right thing.
Colter: They didn't.
Deputy Kelman: Well, if you think for a moment that I don't want to find Katie, you're wrong. I can help if you'll let me.

Sheriff Woods: Look, Mr. Shaw, we know you're here to help, but, me and my team, we have this.
Colter: Well, you might be dealing with something else.
Sheriff Woods: How's that?
Colter: Dylan looked like he'd been in a fight.