Terri Colombino Comments on Katie and Jack's Marriage, Future

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Any follower of As the World Turns know that just because Jack and Katie recently got married doesn't exactly mean they're ready to sail into the sunset together.

"Jack and Katie rushed into this marriage," Terri Colombino told The New York Daily News. "To them, it's because they love each other and want to have a life together as soon as possible. But he has his issues, and she has her issues, hers being: 'I just want to settle down and have someone and it needs to be now.'

Terri Colombino Photograph
And also, 'I want to get Carly back for stealing my first love, so I'm taking her first love.' Those are definitely the underlying factors in her rush to the altar."

It's true. Katie and Carly (Maura West) have been at odds since Carly became romantically involved with Simon Frasier, Katie's ex. When Carly returned to Oakdale, she was distraught to find Jack in the arms of Katie, and proceeded to sabotage the relationship with the help of Brad, Jack's brother, who had pursued Katie previously.

Follow all that?

“This marriage is not going to last for long," Colombino said, as the “minute they get married, he's off with her… Katie's like, 'I can't handle this. I mean, I know she's sick and I understand that you need to be there for your family and everything, but you don't have to be there 24/7. We can get her a nurse.' And he's like, 'No, I can't do that. This is the end of her life.' So Katie pushes him away - and he goes."Furthermore, another development in the love triangle can potentially spell the end for Jack and Katie's young marriage.

"Then something happens that... when I read the script, I was in tears," Colombino added, not wanting to spoil anything. "It's really beautiful. But when Katie finds out about it, that's when she kicks him out!"

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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As the World Turns Quotes

Noah: You know if I do stay here, I do have one condition
Luke: Oh yeah? Whats that?
Noah: You better not hog all the covers.

Noah: Do you just not like me?
Luke: No, I like you Noah.
Noah: Then why do you keep pushing me away?
Luke: Because...I like you Noah.
Noah looks surprised.
Luke: Yeah, like that.