Private Practice Review: "Shotgun"

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Thursday's episode of Private Practice centered around Maya's pregnancy and what the next step would be, as well as a patient facing an impossibly painful choice.

The title probably gives you an indication of what the immediate future holds for Maya. Our recap has the basic plot details. Here's TVF's review of "Shotgun" ...

Dink comes to Sam to ask for Maya's hand in marriage. Oh boy. He's lucky he doesn't get Sam's hand upside his head. Still, the kid wants to make it right. Right?

Naomi is beside herself over all of this, but Dink’s mom Corinne (Rosanna Arquette) seems to be behind it ... or at least the kids' efforts given the circumstances.

Sam decides to drown his sorrows at the bar with the boys. But when Pete and Cooper ditch him for various reasons (Lucas, women), he gets pretty drunk solo.

He pops by Addison’s for a nightcap ... and a kiss. Surprised, but clearly attracted to him, Addison stops because Sam is drunk. His reply? "I'm not that drunk."

HOT! Or not? We're a little conflicted, we admit.

Engaged Teens

Maya is 15. She is engaged. To a guy named Dink. DINK. This is hard on Sam.

The next day they analyze the kiss in her office. That almost leads to more kissing before Sheldon c*ck blocks Sam. Unwittingly, but still. Naomi wants to see her ex.

Naomi is still a mess over the situation with their daughter. Sam says when he meets with Corinne again, he’s going to have to start making decisions for them both.

Addison tries to the topic of her and Sam to Nae, who brings up certain people from Grey's Anatomy and says that would probably make her the worst person ever.

Naomi does end up meeting with Sam, Corinne and the kids, but Sam already signed the form allowing Dink and Maya to marry. Dink’s real name is Fillmore, BTW!

Do you think they'll go through with it? Will Naomi come to grips with it?

Meanwhile, Addison and Cooper are dealing with a couple who just gave birth to a baby to use the infant’s cord blood to save their twin daughters with leukemia.

But the cell volume is low, so there’s only enough blood to save one of the eight-year-old girls. A little far-fetched, we thought, as were their reactions. But still.

The fact of the matter is that this situation is impossible and people will behave emotionally and irrationally. Neither parent even wants to see their new baby.

Ultimately, the decision is made for them when one girl, Nicki, deteriorates. She is now too sick to receive the treatment. Nicki knows sister Kelly has a chance.

When the baby is brought in to meet the girls, the waterworks start.

As the episode winds down, Sam visits Addison at her place once again. He wants to take their relationship ... somewhere. Anywhere. He wants her really bad.

She was hurt by what Naomi said earlier, though, even though she brushed it off. She can't bring herself to go there yet. But will she down the line? Should she?

Should Addison and Sam get together on Private Practice?

Shotgun Review

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Rating: 4.1 / 5.0 (18 Votes)

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Private Practice Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

Addison: You're drunk.
Sam: I'm not that drunk.

[to Addison] First you sleep with your husband's best friend, then you sleep with your best friend's husband. You would be the worst person ever!
