Brothers & Sisters Review: "Time After Time"

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Car accidents. Dark secrets. Paralysis. Honeymoons. Grand theft auto. We learned a lot about the Walkers, past and present, in last night's two-hour, flashback filled affair.

In an effort to learn what exactly William's nemesis, Dennis York, is holding over their heads, the Walkers recalled old memories, both good and bad, in "Time After Time."

As they looked back on their youth, the family recalls the shocking secret and shameful cover-up that has ultimately snowballed into York's power play here in early 2010.

How will they deal with the remorse of this tragic event?

In the first hour, the family arrives at the Walker home to find Tommy. He's back, and playing a big role, both now and back in 1986, due to a shocking car accident.

Dennis meets with Nora and he tells her that he's losing patience, while Nora tells him she never trusted him. He says he only followed her and William's orders ... (?!)

Walker Conference

We later see why. in Tommy's flashback, he sees Dennis run past him, then a glimpse of Nora in her car. We then see a party at Ojai that Tommy and Kevin crash. Uh oh.

Kevin introduces his friend, Aaron, who he clearly has a crush on. Sarah gets a call from Tommy, saying he was in an accident and their father is on the way to Ojai.

Flashbacks show Tommy being warned not to drive drunk, but he won't listen. But it turns out that while Tommy was in fact in a car crash, this is a classic red herring.

At that same part, Aaron makes a pass at Kevin, who pushes him away and they fight. Then Aaron falls down. William arrives and he yells at Kevin to get in the car.

O. M. F. G. Tommy finds Kevin at the scene of his fight with Aaron and explains that he saw Aaron coming and Dennis running by, and that Aaron was paralyzed.

The fact that the big secret involved Kevin and not Tommy was a shock. Not a shock? Nora saying she just covered it up to protect him, and Kevin being distraught.

Back in the present, Kevin decides totalk to Aaron. Aaron maturely, surprisingly tells him he made peace with that night with the fact Kevin reacted the way he did.

In the second hour, Kitty is cancer free! At least for the time being, she's in full remission. We hate to say it but there were some goose bumps at the big news.

Oh, and Holly asks Justin if he can help talk his family out of selling their shares. He says no ... but on a whim, asks Rebecca if they should get married at City Hall.

They do! Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Walker!

Of course, they decide to rent a house on a whim too, to celebrate their honeymoon. The Walkers' old family home, where Holly and Nora are also headed ... now!

Nora and Holly Photo

Our sentiments exactly.

Nora and Holly are going all kinds of Thelma and Louise on us. Nora meets Dennis with the goal of occupying him long enough for Holly to comb his hotel room for evidence.

As she's trying to stall, Dennis admits William got everything he ever wanted, including Nora. Gross. At least she said she didn't regret staying with William for a second.

Holly strikes out, but then Nora sees she has York's valet stub. They decide to look through his car, until Dennis comes out and she tells Holly to get in and they peel out.

Seriously, they stole the car! Outlaws and sort-of in-laws too!

The two end up right at the same place where Justin and Rebecca are honeymooning. Come on, really? Don't get us wrong, their expressions were priceless. But still.

Naturally, the car-stealing stunt lands the moms in jail, which is hilarious, but fortunately Robert springs the moms from jail ... and can't resist snapping some pics first.

Finally, it's time for the Walker family dinner, and what a dinner it is this time around, with Kitty's news and Justin's on top of it. But the most touching moment of all?

Him telling his mom that during their summers at the Ojai House, she always made them feel important. Then Justin gives his mother a flattened penny like the old days.

As for the mystery? They're able to figure out from Dennis' GPS destinations where it is, but just then, Kevin realizes is a Narrow Lake is an anagram of ... Nora Walker.

Meaning ... who knows. When Nora and Holly make their way to the property, they realize it's just undeveloped, unremarkable land. There isn't even a lake! Awesome!

So after all of that ... we still don't know why Narrow Freaking Lake is so important. Still an entertaining episode throughout, though. Theories or comments? Share!

Time After Time Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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