The City Review: "Professionally Dangerous"

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Olivia Palermo's position at Elle has always been suspect, but this is ridiculous.

On The City last night, she officially proved that deadlines, meetings, places to go, things to do, people to meet and so forth do not matter at all. Just do what you want!

She's definitely "Professionally Dangerous" and then some. Assigned to interview Whitney Port for, she bails and interviews a friend of hers instead. Of course!

Career advancement always stems from flying by the seat of your pants and ditching real responsibility in favor of whatever whim strikes you at any second. Great job.

This is why we hate The City.

At least The Hills, while a vastly inferior show in every traditional sense, is a mere caricature of itself at this point. No one takes it seriously, not even its own "characters."

Whitney Port: Just Too Nice

 She's a really nice girl, but sometimes, Whitney needs to lay the smack down.

The City claims to be a show about the fashion industry in New York, but no way - NO WAY - could Olivia pull this BS if she weren't in a fake job Elle gave her for publicity.

We love Whitney Port, and don't dispute that she works hard to boost her fashion credentials in real life, but the show chronicling her suffers from a big credibility problem.

Elsewhere in NYC ...

Roxy goes on a date with Zach, and realizes their relationship may not be strictly professional. Which is great, because it's Roxy. Is anything she does professional?

Kelly tells Whitney to call Olivia out and fight back. This is great advice, and Kelly would clearly follow through with it, but Whitney is too nice and just can't do it.

Olivia pulls her typical maneuver - getting up and leaving when the going gets tough. That's surprisingly effective. And why you need to shove her against a wall.

Professionally Dangerous Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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