Rookie Blue Review: "Hot & Bothered"

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It was the quote Rookie Blue used to conclude almost every preview for its pilot episode: Don't make me shoot you. It's my first day.

Andy avoided making a kill on that opening installment, but fate intervened on "Hot & Bothered" and there's a good chance this officer will never be the same.

Aside from two complaints (below), this was a solid episode of a series that is very much at home with what it offers. It doesn't try too hard to or go too in-depth with any character. It just gives viewers the same situation over and over - Andy gets separated, Andy gets in trouble, Swarek comes to the rescue - and relies on Missy Peregrym to carry most storylines.

She certainly did so this week, as the actress sold every ounce of Andy's pain after this troubling event took place.

Working the Streets

[Photo: ABC]

How many of you groaned when she came to her senses and put an end to her and Swarek's bedroom romp? Most comments regarding the show make it clear that fans prefer Sam to Luke for Andy.

My favorite scene of the entire series so far was when Sam went from telling the abducted girl "it's fine, it's fine," to looking at Andy and saying these same comforting words.

But this does bring us to one of our complaints: The power went out in the city during the middle of the day. Swarek was at work. Why would the TV, radio or any lights be on in his apartment? This may seem like nit-picking, but truly quality shows account for every detail.

Elsewhere, it was nice to see Epstein take control of a stressful situation. He was clearly better prepared in the face of an emergency than Peck, who would have made a grave mistake if she actually arrested the pregnant woman and forced her out of the house.

Now, on to complaint number-two:

It lazy and, simply put, lame for the show to not specify the city in which it takes place. This might be acceptable if it didn't refer to the area often, but last night's episode used the city as an actual character. It was the basis for Diaz's entire storyline.

Almost any cop show (NYPD Blue, The Shield, the upcoming Detroit 1-8-7) turns its city into a key player on a weekly basis - and why shouldn't it? These officers are dealing with citizens every week, it gives viewers a a sense of familiarity and of what's going on when we know where they actually are.

Moreover, it's distracting when a character makes a reference to New York (as the pregnant woman did here) and we simply have no clue where that is in relation to the show's location.

Sadly, this error is consistent with Rookie Blue in general remaining on the surface in almost every circumstance. If it gave us an actual city, it would have to write storylines that went along with that setting. By never naming the area, though, it can remain generic and plug any crime or criminal into an episode.

But enough complaining. What did you think of "Hot & Bothered?"

Hot & Bothered Review

Editor Rating: 4.1 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (116 Votes)

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Rookie Blue Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

I don't mean to sound like your mother, but I think you need stitches.


Your loss. Last night included me, with ice cream, naked.

Andy [to Luke]