Hellcats Review: "Think Twice Before You Go"

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After a week off, our favorite cheerleaders were back on Hellcats - and they didn't forget to bring the drama on “Think Twice Before You Go." This was a solid hour filled with break ups, break downs and scummy DJs.

Although I may not be the biggest fan of the Dan/Marti relationship, I adore their friendship and was sad to see these two have such trouble. Dan pushing an ultimatum was the right move, but quitting his job and heading to New Orleans was totally wrong. He did exactly what Marti was scared of.

Hot Marti

The writers, meanwhile, did a great job of teasing this pairing and then allowing us more time before they rush into anything. Hopefully, when this relationship does come about, it will be at the end of the season.

It seems that Lewis has been underused in the past few episodes, including this week's. At least he got to blast Marti in front of everyone by calling her a "mistake." If you are only going to get a few minutes of screen time, you might as well make it worthwhile.

Most of the episode took place at the big BBQ, where the food looked delicious and people wore creepy pig masks. The band performing was Brokedown Cadillac, who provided some great music for the dance competition that took place. This was a little cheesy, seeing that there was more stunts and tumbling than dancing, but it gave our girls a chance to wear some scantily clad cowgirl outfits.

Kudos to whoever trains these girls because they are in amazing shape.

Surprisingly, Hellcats took the route that several other shows have taken this season, touching on the subject of rape. Although Savannah didn't experience the actual act, the possibility was there. The scene was handled cleverly, though, having Marti react the way; this gave viewers a way to handle the situation.

Overall, a pretty good episode. We were were alone in missing Red and Derrick on it? What did everyone else think?

Think Twice Before You Go Review

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Hellcats Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

When I'm near you and I'm not stifling the urge to strangle you like I am right now, all i can think about is being with you, holding you, kissing you.

Dan [to Marti]

I hit Dan, I slapped him actually.
