The Vampire Diaries Round Table: "By the Light of the Moon"

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For the midseason finale of such a typically thrilling show, "By the Light of the Moon" felt like a letdown.

The CW teased sex between Stefan and Katherine, whereas the true focus of the episode was on Tyler's transformation, as well as the return of Rose. What did our staff think of the installment? What are our hopes for the near future?

Find out in this edition of The Vampire Diaries Round Table!

What was your favorite scene from the episode?
Matt R: I enjoyed Damon's final interaction with Rose. Sorry, Delena Shippers, but it looks like he's developing legitimate feelings for another woman. Not that I can blame him. How cool is this "special" friend?!?

Steve M: The first time Elijah popped up on screen, behind Jenna. This guy has the best entrances of of any character on the show, don't you think?

Gabrielle C: Because the show was pretty "bleh" last night, I'll go with the most hot and heavy one: Katherine's implant dream into Stefans head. Hot!

Tyler's transformation: Totally awesome, or a total letdown?
Matt R: The scenes themselves? Very well-produced, directed and acted. But I was hoping the transformation would lead to something more than what we already knew: that Tyler is a werewolf who turns during a full moon.

Steve M: But it will lead someplace else, Matt. As teased by the cast, Caroline and Tyler will grow even closer now, which should make it interesting when he finds out she's been lying about how many vampires are in town.

Gabrielle C: Awesome. I think it was great effects, and it was hard to watch, as it should have been.

Do you trust Elijah?
Matt R: I do. Doesn't mean he's a good guy, as he's willing to kill innocents (RIP, Slater) in order to keep Elena's presence a secret from Klaus until the time is right... but that doesn't mean he can't also be true to his word in this instance. It does serve his agenda.

Steve M: I trust him to keep a fine head of hair on himself, that's for certain. Impressive stuff! But I wouldn't exactly put my life in his hands, no.

Gabrielle C: As of now, yes. He could have killed everyone by now, but he hasn't. For that reason alone, I trust him. He must have some serious beef with Klaus to want to beat him in all things.

Rose's wolf bite as a cliffhanger: OMG, or Oh, that's it?
Matt R: The latter because it wasn't presented in the proper, suspenseful context. Given a look at scenes from the January 27 episode, it's clear this werewolf bite will have HUGE ramifications, so they should have ended last night's episode with Rose frothing at the mouth or something. A mere look at the returning wound wasn't enough.

Steve M: Come on, fans. Every scene can't be head-turning or scream-inducing. This was the perfect cliffhanger because it raised the stakes of the werewolf/vampire feud and it made me wonder about the future: what does it mean for Damon to be "marked."

Gabrielle C: Not climatic enough, sorry. Just "that's it?" for me.

What are your hopes for the second half of the season?
Matt R: More of Katherine in black lingerie. More Alaric. Less of people calling him "Ric." And, finally, one more shocking death, with no offense intended to her character because she's perfectly nice, but also sort of useless: Jenna.

Steve M: I wanna see a musical episode! Just kidding, I'm sick of all shows thinking they need to go this route. I seriously have no complaints. Keep leaving me surprised each week and I'll keep tuning in.

Gabrielle C: I really hope they step it up. Rose's character can really be more interesting than they are letting it be, and I would have been much for satisfied if Stelena had gotten together at the end of "Masquerade."

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Elena is on a martyr tear that rivals even if you're greatest hits.


We're not gonna let you get used in some creepy sacrifice ritual.
