Fairly Legal Review: "Believers"

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I have to admit: this wasn't my favorite episode of Fairly Legal. It felt like something was missing on "Believers" and I’m still trying to piece together what it was.

The dispute between Marsden and Marcus left me cold, probably because I didn’t care much for either character. I know I was supposed to side with Marcus. John Marsden appears to have been a difficult boss who gave him a lousy contract. I understood that Marcus panicked when he got to the roof. He failed to make a successful prototype and never told his boss.

The longer it went on, the worse it felt and his boss being a jerk didn’t help. Somehow, I still had trouble garnishing much sympathy for this character. He just didn’t click for me.

Believers Scene

I’ve normally enjoyed Lauren’s scenes, but I found the story of Valerie and Nick a bit boring. It didn't help that the resolution felt forced. Nick wouldn’t sign the papers for all of these years, but Lauren threatens to take him to court and he caves?

That the whole case left Lauren thinking about Teddy should have been a sweet moment, but did you see the picture of the two of them together? I knew Teddy was substantially older, but he looked like her grandfather in that photo. It was a little disconcerting.

Leo’s new girlfriend was cute. I’m left wondering how many superhero costumes she has in her closet. Talk about inspiration. I wished we got to see what drawings Leo came up with.

When Kate told the detective that she was a negotiator working for the DA’s office and gave Justin’s name as a contact, I really thought Justin would be more upset. Yet he seemed more put off when she asked for money to bail out Marcus. I don’t know how much she needed, but it seemed odd that she wouldn’t have it herself. She’s working for her father’s firm and is heir to a quarter of his estate. Correction, half of his estate because David Smith signed over his quarter to her. 

Where is all of Kate’s money? Perhaps she is just that disorganized.

The best scene for me was when Kate and Justin were bantering over whether to use mediation over litigation to determine who owned the computer.  I only wished we could have seen the actual mediation. It sounded like a fun way to resolve their differences. A definite win-win.

Believers Review

Editor Rating: 3.9 / 5.0
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User Rating:

Rating: 4.2 / 5.0 (21 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Fairly Legal Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Kate: Oh. Is that poison?
Justin: It's decaf.
Kate: Are you trying to kill me?

How'd ya like THEM apples?
