Lights Out Review: "The Comeback"

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We got more of the same this week on Lights Out.

While "The Comeback" implied an episode devoted to boxing and Patrick’s training, it really only focused on the repetitive argument of whether or not Patrick is even allowed to make a return to the ring to save his family.

Coming Back?

It’s not that there needs to be endless rounds of flying fists to make this show good. A great story and characters are the basis for any intriguing and compelling show, while action simply enhances that drama.

Unfortunately, while I like the characters here, there is a flatness to some of the emotional scenes that make it hard for me to see them for more than their most basic of merits. It’s as if the show has predetermined that viewers should enjoy and connect with the characters before ever really getting to know them.

Theresa has long been on my nerves, but she really annoyed me this week. It’s obnoxious and grating to hear her constant whining and complaints against Patrick. It’s hard to see that she has any love for husband, even after all of the sacrifices and effort he has put into supporting and caring for his family.

Patrick might be able to take real punches, but he manages to take some emotionally stinging ones as well.

Theresa has only managed to tell Patrick what he can and can’t do, and has refused to really explain why he can’t fight again. When she snidely commented on whether he needed to fight or wanted to fight, I was so pleased when he proudly exclaimed, “Both.”

I even used to like Daniela because she showed so clearly cared about her father. But this episode had me feeling as if her dialogue was an echo of her mother’s. Blackmail for your father? I understand her concerns more because she is far younger, but that excuse only takes her so far.

If anything, Patrick is really in his own corner. Consider:

Johnny has mismanaged the savings and even sold his brother out. Barry K. Word and Hal Brennan are simply using Patrick for their own means. Theresa bluntly told Patrick that he is on his own and to leave the house.

If he was trying to avoid distractions on his return to the ring, I don’t know how Patrick can manage to do that with all of the baggage that seems to surround him.

I want Patrick to succeed simply to get the best of everyone and show how he truly is a champion. I’m still in his corner.

Lights Out has kept its slow pace, but it’s beginning to feel like a standstill. The show needs to focus more on boxing, less of the whining wife, and work to illustrate some character growth. Hopefully, it doesn’t remain so flat-footed and the second half of the season comes out swinging.

The Comeback Review

Editor Rating: 3.3 / 5.0
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Rating: 5.0 / 5.0 (6 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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Lights Out Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Don't sell yourself short, son. You still got it. You set your mind to it, no one could stop you.


What if they go to jail? I'll never get a car.
