Blue Bloods Review: "All That Glitters"

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"All That Glitters" illustrated that not every danger is what it appears to be.

A tourist from Iowa got fleeced for an overpriced dinner, then went outside to have an expensive cigar, only to end up shot to death in the street. The funny thing was that given the motive, the murder could have easily taken place back in Iowa but New York City gave it a much better cover story.

Blue Bloods Pic

Much to Frank's chagrin, the murder of a tourist caused an uproar that the mayor couldn't help but notice. Again, the mayor tried to bully Frank but Frank would have none of it. How long until this relationship comes to a head and who will end up on the losing side? The odds don't appear to be in Frank's favor.

Kids grow up but they don't change. As I watched Danny and Erin standing in the kitchen arguing over this case I could just picture them as children. Their dynamic hasn't changed. They love one another but they come at things from different perspectives and neither one will back down.

Frank's story about choosing to buy a bigger house instead of forcing Danny and Erin to room together once Jamie was born was priceless. We've never even met their mom yet somehow I had a distinct picture of her haggard face the day they moved these two in together.

Erin was certainly reeling from losing the Ian McBoyd case and the subsequent murder of the woman in the convenience store. Her feelings of failure and responsibility made her jaded and cynical when it came to this case. I would have hoped she'd give Danny's gut feeling a little more credibility since he's a seasoned detective. 

Danny was right. You can't plaster a man's picture all over the television and then expect to get an unbiased lineup. Sometimes the brother / sister dynamic makes these two prone to bickering instead of listening but that's family. In the end Frank got them to air out their differences and stop beating up the kitchen cabinets.

I really thought Jamie was flirting with the medical examiner in order to get a date. She's pretty and smart and his fiance has been gone for a while now. But his flirting had to do with gaining computer access for his Blue Templar investigation. I was a little disappointed. I think I would have preferred it if his intentions were purely social.

Only two more episodes left for the season. What story lines are you hoping to see more of before we lose the Reagan family for the summer?

All That Glitters Review

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Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (19 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Blue Bloods Season 1 Episode 20 Quotes

I'm only on the job six months so I figure the best way to learn is to ask questions of smart people.


Some eight hour days feel like a week.
