How I Met Your Mother Review: "The Stinson Missile Crisis"

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How I Met You Mother took us to DEFCON High-5 this week on "The Stinson Missile Crisis." Robin stomached watching Barney shower Nora with gifts for days on end. She sat nearby, ready to launch an attack on her unassuming coworker like Cuba in 1962 personified, but with just a hint of a Canadian accent and a killer body.

We knew from the start Robin had unleashed the fury on a woman, but she dangled the truth just out of reach while she recounted her efforts to steal Barney back. As Barney began describing his vast array of BDS's, I simply loved seeing him do so while wearing the Ducky Tie. The continuity from last week to tonight was very reassuring for some reason.

Getting back to Barney's WMS's (Weapons of Mass Seduction), I did not think he could top Arnie Linson attourney at law, but then we met Jack Fantastic. Also, did anyone else want to see The Cold Call 5000 take on Joshua from War Games in a round of Global Thermonuclear War or at least a nice game of Chess? 

Kal Penn on How I Met Your Mother

By the end of the episode Robin, like Ted, learned that sometimes love means taking a step back. In Robin's case, that step back was also a step in the direct path of the dumb blond trying to meet Barney. As much as I could picture Robin in prison selling smokes down in the cafeteria, I was excited to see how she interacted with Kal Penn in her court-mandated therapy.

Sadly, I didn't feel his character at all, and moments like when he called Robin a "dog" for trying to lure away Barney fell sadly flat. 

While Penn's role was a missed opportunity for some great scenes, Marshall's demand to go to the birthing class was a completely unrealistic way to get him and Ted alone in an awkwardly funny situation. No husband in the history of pregnancy has demanded to go to a birthing class after their partner already said they themselves didn't want to go. It just doesn't happen. The resulting humor during the class, though - like when Marshall's eyes bugged out as he told Ted "I beleive in you," - made up for it. 

As for pieces of the Mother Mystery, we got a little glimpse at Lily alone in the delivery room and Robin's green dress, which I thought just represented her envy of Nora, but may have been a reference to the green dress we first saw Ted wearing during a flash in the Mermaid Theory episode. 

I loved seeing Robin usurp Ted as the one to tell this week's long, drawn out story, complete with flash backs. The others got their due, as well, and while we were subjected to yet another Mosby-woesby pity party, I did really appreciate the montage of three-man halloween costume ideas. He had me looking forward to the upcoming episode, featuring my favorite night of the year.

A solid Halloween and that fifth slap episode would really make for two memorable chapters in what has already a pretty special start to the season. Let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote on the best quotes from the episode

The Stinson Missile Crisis Review

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