Bones Review: Murder by Rainbow

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Last week's Bones hit a particularly emotional high.

This week, we got a much lighter installment with the return of Fisher and an appearance by Angela's father. Not to mention Booth delving into the world of storm chasers, and Brennan simply trying to keep up with him.

And it all happened on "The Twist in the Twister."

A Booth and Brennan Image

From the beginning, we could see that Booth and Brennan were becoming more and more at odds with each other as they neared Brennan's delivery date. No scene demonstrated that more than when Booth refused to let Brennan help herself up from examining the remains.

I think we've been headed this way for the first few episodes, and while they seemed to get so much closer last Thursday, it was interesting to see Booth right back in the driver's seat.

Clearly he wants what's best for Brennan and their daughter, but if there's one thing we learned last week, it's that she can hold her own in ways that continue to surprise even those viewing their relationship play out on screen.

Long and short of it, he should just let Brennan take care of herself in this respect. Easier said than done, or else we wouldn't get to see Booth insist on her wearing slippers through the house, threatening to leave her suffering with splinters if failed to comply.

It's the little moments like these that demonstrate how genuine their relationship is. You could really see a couple bumping up against issues of independence versus overprotective tendencies.

Angela, Hodgins, and Her Dad

If there's one thing we learned this week, it's that sleep deprivation can make you come up with some of the craziest inventions known to man. Hodgins was so desperate, he considered strapping Michael to a contraption just to get him some zzzzs.

Lucky for them, Angela's rocking dad dropped into town with a musical solution. I can only imagine their relief. If I had found myself in a similar situation, I wouldn't have been as functional as they were. Even with those glug-jugs of coffee.

Other highlights from this episode:

  • The return of Mr Fisher.
  • Mr. Fisher's ringtones.
  • Mr. Fisher's relationship problems - both with his mom and his new, nameless, girlfriend.
  • Misty, her unspeakably bright clothing and her obsession with rainbows.
  • Michael. Enough said.

Clearly the re-appearance of the interns is a highlight of my Bones viewing experience, as are eccentric support characters, and adorable babies when possible.

And now we wait. With what was to be the final installment of this sixth episode arc postponed in anticipation of boosting The Finder's series premiere ratings, Bones fans are made to suffer. The worst part is, I fear their attempts may be in vain. But, of course, that's just me.

I'm still bitter they interjected a pilot into the middle of Bones last spring, which, if you missed it, will be airing in the place of Bones next Thursday.

What did you think of this week's episode? Sound off below!

The Twist in the Twister Review

Editor Rating: 4.2 / 5.0
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User Rating:

Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (176 Votes)

C. Charles is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Bones Season 7 Episode 5 Quotes

Brennan: Brennan.
Booth: And Booth, so speak English.

YOU tattooed my child?!
