2 Broke Girls Review: A Misguided Mitzvah

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On paper, I'm sure "And the Kosher Cupcakes" sounded hysterical. On my television screen? The only thing really enjoyable about this episode was Sophie’s new boyfriend and Oleg’s reaction. Beyond that, it was a train wreck in multiple stages.

Max Black and Caroline Channing

Let’s start with the most annoying: those two orthodox boys who suddenly became “pimps” when their parents weren’t around. While I’m willing to accept that there are many kids who go in the opposite direction, when it comes to their parent’s religious views, I have a hard time believing that a 13-year old boy of any religion would think it was acceptable to treat caterers like they were hookers.

I think the joke would have worked better to have made Shmuley and David little perverts instead of little pimps. They could have just made crude jokes at the girls. Watching Shmuley throw dollar bills at Caroline while David was break dancing was just painful and I would have turned the channel had I not been doing this review.

Next on the list is a tie between Caroline not getting the message and continuing to pepper her dialog with Yiddish words and Esther Rachael refusing to acknowledge Caroline’s overt attempts at showing respect for her culture.

I really wanted to like Caroline’s appropriate use of Yiddish and her understanding of the Jewish religion. Sadly with the way she was overdoing it, I flinched, expecting the classic “I’m using a word wrong” gag that I never could get behind it. It was a bit poetic that the gag I was waiting for didn’t get used. I may have preferred it in the end.

Finally, the least annoying was Max being cared for by Esther and her family and that causing her to grow a conscience about four of the cupcakes not being Kosher. Didn't we do that entire joke with Caroline before they were baked?

This was again one of those elements I really wanted to like, but it just didn’t fit together correctly. How many times did Caroline harp about the Jewish traditions and culture to Max? The strangest part for me was Esther putting Max in bed and leaving Caroline standing in the kitchen.

It left me with so many questions. Would you really invite a non-Jewish caterer to come in and lie down in your home and leave her partner behind? Wouldn’t you just have your doctor husband come to the kitchen and check her out? Did we really need to have the girls fail another job and make no money?

I’m grateful that episodes like this one are not the standard norm and we generally get a great bounce back installment. So let’s all put a compress on our heads and move on to next week.

Girl’s Current Total: $865.00.

And the Kosher Cupcakes Review

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Jim G. is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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2 Broke Girls Season 1 Episode 17 Quotes

Max: You know I switched that Purell with KY.
Caroline: Please tell me you're kidding.
Max: Of course I' kidding, I can't afford lube; I just use my tears.
Caroline: Max seriously, don't mess with my hand sanitizer. I already caught "poverty" this year; I'm not catching the flu.

Earl: Who is that?
Max: Sophie's new boyfriend.
Earl: And where is his boyfriend?