How I Met Your Mother Review: New Hobby

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After last week's How I Met Your Mother, fans were expecting something big as a followup - and the C&C Mother Factory stepped up and delivered with "No Pressure."

After the rooftop redo, no one was griping about the possibility of Ted and Robin getting back together more so than me, but my hat goes off those of you who so accurately noted in your comments how Ted and Robin had to end up back together, if even for a few fleeting moments, in order to finally close out the chapter of their on again/off again relationship.

Barney in Lily and Marshall's Bed

Adult Ted hinted that this day would come back in "Ducky Tie" after Victoria pointed out how living together with Robin was never going to work, and tonight - albeit with some help from Marshall - Robin moved out. 

Finally, we saw a Ted who was ready to meet the girl with the yellow umbrella, but as we saw in that Thomas Crown Affair-like scene, finding the right umbrella is going to prove difficult. "Mother" fans, though, had to be happy with the storyline progression that this installment offered up, even if things like Barney telling Ted he was over Robin and Marshall's closing "not yet" line served to keep us second guessing ourselves.

For those of you who are not as consumed with the mother scenario, there was also plenty of amazing "filler," for lack of a better word, featuring Barney, Marshall and Lily. Loved the carry over from "The Drunk Train" and Barney's perverted pillow talk with Lily that I noted featured some of the best quotes of the week.

Barney was on fire, whether it was using some of his vintage catchphrases like "challenge accepted" or calling on Consuela and the girls to help him clean up. What was perhaps his best moment did not entail him saying a single word, however, but rather featured him lip syncing and dancing to Beyonce's "Single Ladies" in the backseat of Marshall and Lily's car on the way to and from Ted and Stella's wedding. 

I liked the flashbacks, which featured HIMYM icons such as the blue French Horn, as well as the introduction of new things like "Long Term Bets," which I hope will continue to be referenced in the future. As much as I loved Barney's blatant lack of an apology after smashing Ted's VCR, was anyone else surprised he didn't watch the tape? Maybe he didn't want to ruin what he has always pictured in his mind by seeing the real thing?

Also on the subject of flashbacks, the different versions of Ted and Robin's kiss goodbye at the door were fantastically done. They definitely made up for Ted's lame camping in secret line. 

I still think Barney and Robin end up together, but I'm sure there are many dissenting opinions on that subject, as well as all of the above, so let's open up the comments and have another great forum like last week. Last thing I'll say is that I liked how Ted and Marshall showed that it's never too early to meet a good buddy at the bar to talk about stuff over a couple glasses of flat keg beer.

Beer nuts, part of a balance breakfast. 

No Pressure Review

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How I Met Your Mother Season 7 Episode 17 Quotes

Do you think that if we did it...and I did a really good job...that I could turn that into my baby?


Oh God I am so hungover! Oh God, Lily's not wearing a bra!
