Private Practice Round Table: "You Break My Heart"

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Welcome back to TV Fanatic's Private Practice Round Table!

Our Private Practice review broke down last week's "You Break My Heart," in detail. Now, TVF staff writers Christina Tran and Carissa Pavlica join newcomers Caitlyn Castro and Jarrod Mitchell for a Round Table Q&A.

Read their answers below and weigh in with yours!


1. What was your favorite scene or quote from the episode?

Caitlyn: Two words: Charlotte King. Yes, she's my favorite character and I am completely bias towards her scenes in every episode but I think she went beyond her usual amazing self in this episode. The way she was there for Cooper, Mason, and Erica despite having so much to deal with herself was just so selfless. She was the strong one for all of them and she didn't even have to be! Really, I felt like every scene she was in just brought the show and this character to a completely different level.

Jarrod: I’m with Caitlyn. Charlotte King stood out more than any other character. Her talk with Erica was just heartfelt and showed true emotion. Her character has really shown some development and progress throughout this season and I praise not only the writers, but also KaDee Strickland for it, too.

Carissa: When Erica asked, “I'm alive?” and Charlotte said something like: “If this is heaven, I want a refund.” I can't remember the exact quote, but that entire scene was beautiful.

Christina: My favorite scene was the one with Charlotte explaining to Mason exactly what was going on during Erica’s surgery. He appreciated her honesty, and I appreciated that she was able to fully support Erica, Mason and even Cooper during such a difficult time.

2. How do you think this crossover with Grey's Anatomy compared to the rest?

Caitlyn: On the part of Private Practice, I thought it was great. I liked it because it had a lot of emotional implications to more than just one character. In the past, it would usually just be Addison and now it's interesting that PP characters can interact with Grey's folks without her. The crossover did a lot of character development for Charlotte, Cooper, and Amelia so I thought it was great because of that.

Jarrod: I thought it was amazing. As Caitlyn said, it’s always centered on Addison, so I’m glad other characters got a chance to shine. I mean, I like Addison on Grey’s, but she was needed at the Practice for those Jaddison moments.

Carissa: Much better. More players involved and that made a big difference to me.

Christina: I agree with everyone on this one. It was a very good crossover, but I just wished that Amelia would have had some interaction with Meredith or Zola. Even if it were just a slight hello or something, it would have really added to the awesomeness of this crossover.

3. Thanks to Team Shepherd and ‘Lil Grey, Erica survived. What’s next for Erica and Mason and how will it affect Charlotte and Cooper?

Caitlyn: Can Erica and Mason go for some sort of vacation to celebrate her miracle of survival and leave Charlotte and Cooper alone first? Admittedly this arc wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I appreciate what it's helped Charlotte to see in herself. But really, it's been long enough. Give us CharCoop fans some uninterrupted CharCoop time! And maybe they can get started on their own baby making?

Jarrod: I’m inclined to agree with Caitlyn again. Charlotte and Cooper have not really had much time as a couple, so I hope they or Erica and Mason take a vacation away somewhere. I mean, I know Cooper and Charlotte are happy, but I’d like some happy moments alone for them you know what I mean.

Carissa: I think they will become a family. An odd, but happy family. Erica and Charlotte have become friends, and that's the most important part for it to work. I hope Erica falls in love with someone equally as wonderful as Cooper so they can all remain as friends and raise Cooper together.

Christina: Although I’d love for CharCoop to actually get some time to themselves to be a happy couple, I have a feeling Erica and Mason will stick around for a little longer as CharCoop will decide to help Erica get back on her feet. Eventually, Erica and Mason will move away and Mason can spend his summers or something with CharCoop.

4. Which storyline was more of a snooze fest: the pregnant patient with a previous heart transplant, Violet and Pete’s separation, or Sam and his troubling sister?

Caitlyn: Toss up between the pregnant patient and Violet and Pete's separation. I thought that pregnant patient could've just been cut completely so more airtime could've been given to the crossover aspect of the episode. And as for Violet and Pete, they just keep going back and forth with that one that. I've had enough of it.

Jarrod: In all honesty, I can’t choose. They were all as boring as one another. There is already too much going on as is to worry about Sam and his sister. Pete and Violet are OBVIOUSLY still in love, but far too cowardly to do anything. I was expecting one of them to jump the other on Violet’s floor, which seems to be Death’s living space. So, why not see some more horror on that floor?

Carissa: I never cared about Violet and Pete EVER, so they win the award. They never made a good couple, they should never have gotten together, and the best scenes with them are when they're laughing about each other's sex lives apart. That's pretty sad for a couple who were supposed to be great.

Christina: Violet and Pete’s storyline, for sure! It’s funny because I’ve been seeing people leave not just a Violet Annoyance Scale rating but also a Pete Annoyance Scale rating. They’re both terribly boring and annoying.

5. Jake and Addison both admitted to both sharing not just a physical but also emotional connection. What do you expect to happen now?

Caitlyn: Jake will slowly start something between them. Now that he's sure, he'll act on it. But at the same time, he's a gentleman and I think he knows that Addison needs a little more time before getting into a new relationship.

Jarrod: Truthfully, these two had me at the supermarket back in Season 4. So as long as I see something before Spring Break whether it’s dinner, a kiss or even a fully clothed sleepover, I’m happy with that.

Carissa: Hopefully, everything: sex, a real pregnancy, and marriage. A true full blown emotional and physical connected relationship for Addison. She deserves it and so does Jake. They're both so fiery and fun to watch.

Christina: I’m expecting more flirting with both of them trying to keep their feelings from Sam. I also predict that Sam will put up a fight for Addie still, and both dudes will be vying for her attention.

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Private Practice Season 5 Episode 15 Quotes

All I get from that guy is frostbite.


I was thinking I would keep waiting for life to get easier. You know, lower stakes, less risk, easier. And I was thinking, maybe it doesn't. Maybe the struggle, the climb, one obstacle after another... maybe that's just life.


Private Practice Season 5 Episode 15 Music

  Song Artist
Our Hearts Firehorse iTunes
All Waters Perfume Genius iTunes
Rivers and Homes J.Viewz iTunes