Ringer Review: So Your Mom Was a Bitch Too?

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"What Are You Doing Here, Ho-Bag?" made me think that the entire Ringer plot was not unlike one of the word jumbles that Bridget and Siobhan played as girls. Unfortunately, I don't know how they untangle this web of lies they've created... but watching them try is half the fun.

The Ring. I had wondered if Siobhan had stolen that ring strictly out of spite. Instead, it appeared she needed the cash. I suppose that means the pawn shop owner was out $15,000 for receiving stolen goods. 

I understood that Siobhan needed the passports in another name now that she thinks Bridget knows about Cora Farrell. What surprised me was that she didn't take the passports anyway. She'd already paid for them. They could come in handy.

And why would the guy who sold them leave the fake passports on the top of the trash can, other than for it to be easy for Henry to find them? Then, Andrew looked so hurt when he found out Bridget hadn't told him she'd lost the ring. Of course he soon had bigger issues to deal with.

Juliet and Andrew

The First Mrs. Martin. Okay. Suddenly Juliet's issues were a lot more understandable. Her mother's a drunken nutcase. I know that the video looked bad but Catherine was quick to call her daughter a slut and turn her back on her.

Apparently Catherine viewed her child as a fun shopping partner but not much more, which led to a great bonding moment between Juliet and Bridget. "So, your Mom was a bitch too?" That one line brought them closer than all the hugs and heartfelt talks ever could.

Who's Your Daddy? Tyler was missing a baby that wasn't his and Henry was mourning a baby that wasn't dead. Siobhan sure knew how to create havoc no matter which continent she was on. 

When Siobhan didn't come clean with Henry right away, I thought it wasn't going to happen. That's why it shocked me when it did. Not only did he show him Bridget and confess that she was the real Siobhan... she also told him she was still pregnant with his baby. The look on his face was a jumble of shock and glee.

Now, will Henry play along with Siobhan's game or will her game blow up in her face? And what are her plans for Tyler as he waits for her and his next meeting with Andrew?

Ringer is akin to one crazy word jumble, but like any addictive game, I can't stop trying to figure it out.

What Are You Doing Here, Ho-Bag? Review

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Rating: 4.1 / 5.0 (76 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Ringer Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Bridget: I'm channeling Martha Stewart.
Andrew: You know I've got a thing for her, right?

The pizza's way better here than in Wyoming.
