The Lying Game Review: I'm Not Sutton Mercer!

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It's hard to keep a show at five stars every week, so I don't fault The Lying Game for having a slower week here. "Reservation for Two" was still a solid hour, with Emma trying to clean up the mess that Ethan and Sutton left behind.

I've been wondering for weeks when people would start to pick up on the extremely different personalities that "Sutton" has been displaying. I guess it took more frequent switching of the twins to bring out the suspicion. Thank goodness Kristen and Laurel are finally noticing how bipolar this situation has been!

Life on the Reservation

It's hard to keep up a charade when there isn't really a handbook and the switches have become so frequent. First, Ted almost ripped off Emma's band aid last week. This week, the midterm grades are a complete 180 from the real Sutton. Kristen lamented that it's hard to believe it's the same kid, and we all know why.

We all know Sutton is a bitch, but, damn, I thought she at least loved Mads and Char. The move she pulled hitting on Ryan at the Black and White Ball was totally over the line. I didn't really go into it last week, but now that Ryan spilled the beans to Mads, the jig is up. 

Another thing that's up? Emma's patience. There is only so much lying she is willing to do for her evil twin. I can't imagine she had much strength left in her after the police questioning. Interesting tidbit that Alec taught us this week: apparently glancing left before answering a question means you're accessing the truth. Looking right means you're just another pretty little liar. Something I'll have to remember next time I'm put on the spot!

Laurel continues to be my favorite character and I love that she's officially in a band now. She's so creative and I'm happy others are recognizing her talent. It's too bad that Justin seems jealous and can't just be happy for her. After all the BS he put her through, he should be majorly supportive right now. I have a feeling he might not stick around too much longer. Baz is presenting himself as a far more appealing romantic option.

Speaking of romance, Rebecca and Alec are heating up quite nicely. Or should I say, Alec is falling right into Rebecca's trap. When she was shadily picking out engagement rings last week she seemed very certain that they would be getting serious. So here's my theory of the week: Now that Rebecca and Alec consummated their relationship, I'm gonna guess that Rebecca messed with her birth control and is hoping to trap Alec by getting pregnant. 

Isn't this all a little odd since she apparently had some dalliance with Ted back in the day? A dalliance that could've resulted in the birth of Sutton and Emma? I have to say that Rebecca doesn't seem too interested in anything related to Sutton and Emma. Maybe she's just taking her time to get a game plan going.

I wasn't all that interested with Sutton and Ethan at the ranch. I know people were pretty psyched to bring a little bit of the Twilight sage to The Lying Game but I wasn't taken with it. So what did everyone think? Was this week's episode everything you hoped for or was it lacking a bit? Most of all, will Mads believe Emma is telling the truth? Weigh in in the comments!

Reservation for Two Review

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The Lying Game Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

So where are the horse showers?


Either you're here to introduce me to your new girl or you're in some kind of trouble.

Ethan's dad

The Lying Game Season 1 Episode 16 Music

  Song Artist
Flight Plans For Airplanes The Little Heroes iTunes
Pull Me Back Julia Othmer iTunes
Follow Your Heart The Good Mad iTunes