TV Ratings Report: Giant Victory, Numbers

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The Super Bowl did not set a new ratings record for the third consecutive year, but the Giants victory over the Patriots - combined with an impressive season premiere of The Voice - led to a rather enjoyable night for NBC...

8 p.m.
Super Bowl XLVI: 101.6 million
60 Minutes: 4 million
America's Funniest Home Videos rerun: 2.9 million
The Simpsons rerun: 2 million/The Cleveland Show rerun: 1.8 million

9 p.m.
Super Bowl XLVI: 95.6 million
CSI: Miami rerun: 3.1 million
Family Guy rerun: 2.4 million/American Dad rerun: 2.3 million
The Middle: reruns: 1.8 million

10 p.m.
Super Bowl post-game/The Voice: 41.8 million
NCIS rerun: 6.4 million
Modern Family reruns: 3 million

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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