2 Broke Girls Review: Stuck In Neutral

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Every week, I wonder if this will be the week that Max and Caroline get their big break and show some growth with the cupcake business. And every week I’m disappointed as they keep trudging along, barely having made over six hundred dollars. 

With a title like "And The Big Buttercream Breakthrough" you would think the writing was on the wall and this would be that episode the one we have all been waited for. But I guess the buttercream is on us, huh?

We got to sit through another half-hour with Caroline pushing Max to do something she didn't want to do, and then Max being able to do something that Caroline was afraid to do (or didn't know how to do, they are interchangeable.) 

Max & Caroline Deliver Cupcakes

And, as if that wasn’t disappointing enough, it appears that this episode also marks the end of Max working for Peaches, the most vapid woman to have ever purchased a pair of babies. I understand that it was time for her to depart. After all, Peaches really was a one trick pony - and it wasn’t really even a good trick. 

But her rich non-caring, air-headedness was a great counter-balance to the poor peasants at the diner. Where else could we see a woman spend an obscene amount money on a professional photo shoot for a blog in this economy?

Honestly, I was surprised Peaches knew what a blog was.

Okay, that was mean, they’re not all poor peasants at the diner; Sophie seems to have money. And, to be fair, the diner did offer us some of the best lines from this week’s 2 Broke Girl quotes, so I can’t be too hard on it. Just remind me to never to order the ham from the diner. 

Here is hoping that next week’s season finale - featuring Martha Stewart - sees the girls have some kind of big break through! Then again, with the title being 2 Broke Girls should we really expect them to succeed?   

Girl’s Current Total: $675

And The Big Buttercream Breakthrough Review

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Jim G. is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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2 Broke Girls Season 1 Episode 22 Quotes

Han: Hey everybody, I got it!
Oleg: Don't worry, at least you caught it in the early stages.

Caroline: How did ketchup get this hard?
Max: You just hold it in your hand like this and say, "You're the best ketchup I've ever had."