Grimm Review: Bippity Boppity Busted

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It’s been a long time since Grimm actually had a true procedural case, that didn’t have any serial elements baked into it. I’m a little sad "Happily Ever Aftermath" decided to return to Grimm’s roots a little bit.

Nick Investigates a Death

That’s not to say the case isn’t worth talking about because it is, Cinderella being a murderous, won’t-take-no-for-answer murdering crazy person is freaking awesome.

The description Monroe gave of her Wesen kind hiding dual personalities is the perfect description, because underneath the Disney-scrubbed persona of Cinderella is someone who has dealt with rejection, has an almost complete lack of a support system, and then she's thrust into a world where her every whim and want is met.

So when her Prince Charming is now without cash, her entire world is brought back to a time of pain and poor memories, and her other side comes back roaring back and is ready to enact some revenge on all of those who wronged her.

But, even with the main focus on the case tonight, there were still a few clues that are coming back to the forefront. Nick’s dream of where he hid the coins is probably going to come back to center stage soon. They’re just too powerful not to, and those coins are also connected to his parents.

It all boils down to one of Grimm’s main themes: lineage.

For most of the series, who you are and what your family does is a constant in your life. It’s inescapable. Nick’s found this out firsthand, and no matter what he’s done to try to ignore it or move on, he keeps getting sucked in deeper and deeper every time.

Besides, any time we can spend in Aunt Marie’s Trailer of awesomeness is time well spent. The amount of weapons and information in there seems to be endless, and I love all the Grimm gadgets and weapons. It deepens the show and the mythology without being weighty and boring. I just wish Nick didn’t have to turn over that awesome sound gun to the police for evidence.

Finally, one other detail interested me tonight about Monroe. When Monroe was using the gun even he was being affected by it a little bit. It made me wonder if this could ever come up in the series. Nick and Monroe are essentially partners and that breaks all kinds of Wesen rules, but Monroe is also in a lot danger from all sides. He’s going against the natural order of things, he’s kind of a Grimm without the lineage (and any abilities if they exist), and he has access to an entire trailer full of things that can kill him. Any kind of wrong move, and he's in some serious trouble. Whether that move is using a weapon wrong or getting his hands on the wrong one in the trailer or one of his adventures with Nick. Whichever direction he turns danger is right in front of him, maybe even more so than Nick.

Happily Ever Aftermath Review

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Grimm Season 1 Episode 20 Quotes

You did hear what I said about it being a trap right?


Am I too late? Oh no, I can't be too late you're still alive. That's a good thing.
