Common Law Review: Trust

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Wes and Travis got a lesson in the "The T Word" on Common Law this week.

Luckily for them, trust was more easily demonstrated than discussed, but it made all the difference when the case took a turn for the unexpected and it became clear that someone close to Travis was involved.

Wes & Travis Investigate a Home Invasion Ring

The episode started with Travis attempting to negotiate an end to a police standoff. It's amazing how, in that opening sequence alone, trust was a focal point, which Travis willingly (foolishly?) demonstrated in a man he didn't even know by removing his protective vest. However, when it came to trusting his own partner with anything more than his not being shot, it was suddenly a legitimate issue between the two.

Dr. Ryan was spot on in assigning the homework to get to know each other. I just wished we could have gotten more out of them during counseling, especially when it came to why it was that Wes pulled his gun on Travis. It was like the whole world stopped in that moment when we were about to get the answer we didn't even know we were looking for.

I suppose it will be one of the haunting questions that perhaps even the writers aren't sure they know the answer to yet. Even so, to tease it had me wondering what could have been so serious.

While we're on the subject of seriousness, it's probably a good timeĀ  to talk about the emotional heaviness that was our encounter this week with Travis' foster brother, who was eventually implicated as a conspirator in major thefts. I think I was suspicious from the beginning about him, but, like Travis, wished to give him the benefit of the doubt. If anything, it should teach us that our first instinct is often the most correct one.

Overall, the encounter with Travis' foster brother only unfolded another layer to the Travis onion, and even the Wes onion. We met one more family responsible for Travis' upbringing, while also watching Wes admit he's jealous of the extensive family Travis seems to possess.

Family wasn't the only thing that Wes was likely envious of. as a certain lovely federal investigator seemed to be tugging at the heartstrings of both our leading men. How sincere her motives are is another matter entirely, but in the meantime, at least they figured out what was happening to them before it had a chance to cause another rift in their relationship!

Some highlights from the episode:

  • Wes' shooting skills.
  • Learning that Travis used to street race, regardless of the fact he got arrested for doing it.
  • Travis' old nickname "Dirty Dawg."
  • Capt. Sutton inviting a federal agent to meditate with him.
  • Said federal agent's ability to fool two men into thinking they had a chance.
  • Dr. Ryan's insistence that they would, eventually, discuss the event that led them into counseling in the first place.

So, Commoners, why did Wes pull that gun on Travis? How long till we get our answer?

The T Word Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (46 Votes)

C. Charles is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Common Law Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Travis: I would have pulled that trigger.
Wes: I was there so you didn't have too.

Wes: Are we idiots?
Travis: Nah.