Wilfred Review: Little Bro

Wilfred Review: Little Bro

Wilfred really takes a liking to Drew on this week's Wilfred, and it is absolutely hilarious. Join us at the Drewish Community Center in the review!
Posted in: Wilfred
Futurama Review: The Obvious Candidate

Futurama Review: The Obvious Candidate

Leela helps an upstart political contender take on Richard Nixon in the 2012 election, but Bender helps reveal that not all is what it seems with the hotshot senator on this episode of Futurama.
Posted in: Futurama
Royal Pains Review: It Lives?!

Royal Pains Review: It Lives?!

Eddie R. returned to the Hamptons to mediate the impasse between his two sons, while Divya attempted to reconnect with her mother on Royal Pains this week. Were new and better relationships fostered? Read the review now!
Posted in: Royal Pains