Rookie Blue Review: Who Has Your Back?

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On Traci's first day as a detective in training she runs into a "Girls' Night Out" gone horribly wrong. The surprising part of the entire mess was who had her back... and who didn't.

Just think of it as a display of gratitude for Jerry getting you this gig. Ouch. My heart broke a little bit for Traci upon hearing these words from Noelle.

It's such a horrible feeling to work so damn hard for something and have people think you slept your way to it. Perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones talking but I wanted to slap Noelle for that inconsiderate jibe.

Ollie and Traci At the Scene

Jerry both had her back and didn't. First, he bailed on her at the crime scene. Okay, he didn't do it on purpose but she's a detective in training. Jerry should have been there.

Then when she made her first mistake, he tried to protect her and himself. He felt badly about putting her in a that spot but at the same time he was also trying to cover his backside. He is effectively her training officer and he messed up by not being there.

Traci was right. Jerry was dismissive, partly because he wanted to clean up this mess as quickly as possible and thought it would be easier to do so without her interference. But to Traci it felt like he had no confidence in her abilities and it hurt. Even more so because of their personal relationship.

This will be a tough road for Jerry and Traci. They've never worked so closely together and at the same level. As Enuka Okuma mentions in this exclusive interview, it's going to complicate things for the two of them.

The one highlight was the way the other rookies were there for Traci. Andy, Chris, and even Gail were total MVPs this week. In a squad full of people who seemed to doubt her abilities, they were the ones she could count on.

Speaking of Andy, we didn't get much of her and Swarek but what we did see was fun. The look on Sam's face as he handed her the keys to his truck was simply adorable. 

Dov was struggling with the aftermath of the shooting. As much as he despises therapy he's going to have to go through the motions if he wants to get back on the street.

The ride along with the victim's sister was painful but perhaps a little cathartic for him. Unfortunately, I don't know if he's realized that he's about to hit a rough patch with Sue. He lied to her about therapy and she knew it but didn't call him out on it. This could be the beginning of the end for this couple. Once the trust is gone, it's hard to get it back.

Thank goodness Noelle finally told someone she was pregnant. Now that she's on desk duty it seemed odd not to tell people why. Ollie's reaction was so sweet, I'm glad he was the first to know.

Finally we get to Gail, who was struggling with her ice queen persona. If her drunk texts have anything to say about it, she has some unresolved feelings for Nick. Just as I was starting to warm up to these two they had to have Chris look all mopey as he watched them leave.

I never thought that Chris and Gail were right for one another, I actually think her and Dov should eventually find their way back together. That said, I really did feel for the guy as he watched his ex move on with someone else.

The most fun of the night was at the very beginning as Andy, Gail and Traci debated what a man notices first on a woman. Was this really a question? The answers made it obvious why Traci's the one moving up to detective. 

And was it just me or was Andy trying to prove Traci's point with those off duty shirts was wearing? Whether she was donning her sunglasses or not, I'm fairly certain no man was looking at her eyes.

So are you pro Nick and Gail? Are Jerry and Traci headed for a rough patch? And are you hoping for more Sandy time next week? Share your thoughts below before the next Rookie Blue.

Girls' Night Out Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Rookie Blue Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

If you're going to be honest, be honest. Boobs. All the rest is window dressing.


Andy: Sixty percent of men look at your eyes first.
Gail: Yeah, well sixty percent of men are lying.