Pretty Little Liars Review: Paige, Interrupted

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With the summer finale only a week away, Pretty Little Liars really is punching up the drama and filling in the blanks.

But why so late with all the juicy reveals?

"Single Fright Female" made us take a closer look at Paige by clueing us in on some vital information from her past. By the episode's end, I was sure I'd need to go back and pay more attention to all the things Paige has done.

Pretty Little Liars Be Shoppin

All the suspicion heaped on Paige this episode started with CeCe's comments to Spencer about how unusual it was to see Emily going out with her. When she told Spencer the whole story, it was hard to know if Paige was dangerous or not. It's true that Ali looked a little scared of Paige when she collected that love letter to Emily, and the bruise on her back was a sign of serious physical abuse.

However, do you think maybe Ali brought it on herself?

In every flashback and during that Halloween episode, Ali's been the biggest bully. She's merciless with her teasing and seems more like frenemy than a close friend, even to those closest to her. That trick with Paige was just awful too.

BUT...maybe Paige was exaggerating when she told Emily about Ali's bullying. We don't really know who started throwing the verbal and physical punches first, but Ali seemed to think this letter charade was the only way to get Paige to back off. I really wanted to believe Paige's version of events, but then Jenna showed up and warned Emily about her. Plus, we all remember (as Spencer reminded us) that Paige has violent tendencies.

Remember way back in season one when she tried to drown Emily? Yeah, not a love dunk.

And then Spencer found one of Aria's earrings in Paige's bag. I'm not totally convinced this piece of evidence is what it appears, but it seems pretty damning to Spencer, who once again is totally ready to settle on a new suspect. Spencer seriously cannot help but automatically become 100% certain that her new suspect is definitely A. It's a little frustrating to watch, and I understand why it bothered Emily so much.

So, Paige - innocent victim or crazy psycho?

And could she be A? Or one of the As? We got confirmation (finally!) at the end of the episode that there are at least two. Who's on your list of possible suspects now? And who trapped Spencer in that dressing room with that snake?

Regardless of whether Paige is involved in all this drama (as A or as Maya's killer or both), I still don't trust Nate. He was acting super weird about that kiss, even after Emily told him they could only be friends. He went to Hanna to find out what was up with Emily and got the best answer ever:

Hanna: Um, Nate, she's gay. She dated your cousin.

Why is Nate so obsessed with Emily? And why did it seem like he was one of those guys that Maya used to blow off?

While Emily grappled with whether or not to trust Paige, Aria was just trying to cheer up her birthday boy. I don't know why she felt it necessary to surreptitiously visit his ex because nothing good could come from that idea. So, of course, she went ahead and delved into his personal life (and Maggie's) without Ezra's permission. Because she was doing it for him, right?!? Aria wanted to know about Maggie for her own sake. And now, she's put herself in the awkward position of knowing more about Ezra's past than he does.

We all knew that baby Ezra had to make an appearance soon; I just didn't think it'd be this soon. So Maggie has a seven-year old son who looks a lot like a younger Ezra. It seems likely that it's his child, but there's a slight chance the baby is someone else's. Slight. Either way, Maggie didn't come clean about it on the phone with Ezra, so it looks like Aria has to decide if she's going to say anything. And she totally will, but maybe not right away.

Meanwhile, the flash drive that Spencer tossed at Ian way back in the season one finale finally turns up again. The sensitive nature of all those videos made Hanna worried because it might start up all their problems with Jenna again. But after speaking with Caleb (such a sweet secret boyfriend!) and finding a video of herself with Wilden, Ashley decided to destroy it. It would have been nice to get a copy of that vital piece of evidence first, but it's better than the police having, I suppose.

And I suppose some of our questions will be answered in the summer finale next week, and if you can't wait, check out these spoiler pictures and see if you can piece together the evening's big surprises!

Single Fright Female Review

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Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

Spencer: I don't remember you in Mama Mia.
Hanna: Good because I looked fat and hideous, and I had to stand next to a cardboard goat.

Don't think that was a love dunk.


Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 11 Music

  Song Artist
Turn It Up Megan Oliver iTunes
Fire Escape Civil Twilight iTunes
Speakeasy Anya Marina iTunes