Awkward Review: And The Winner Is...

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The build up has been two seasons in the making, and tonight during the beginning of "The Other Shoe" we learned which guy Jenna chose:


All of you amazing readers really had no questions or doubts as a clear majority of you also chose Matty in last week’s poll.

A Kiss from Matty

My biggest fear with the finale was that Jenna’s choice would feel forced or simply anti-climactic.

But Awkward is a brilliantly written show. The pacing is always well done, and the characters are always opening up and showing new pieces of their personalities. So my doubts ended up being unfounded because Awkward has discovered another layer to talk about.

In a way, Awkward has bypassed this decision phase by continually changing up the characters, and continually making Jenna reexamine her life and decisions by playing up the parallels (and differences) with Lacey’s life.

Just when we thought we just about had Lacey figured out, and that Kevin was her Matty, we learned that things aren’t so black and white. In many ways Kevin isn’t solely Matty, but more likely a mix of the two. However, Jenna’s decisions now have another shoe involved: Tamara.

I pegged Tamara and Jake as having something the minute I saw them talking during Aunt Ally’s wedding and their chemistry can’t be denied. I’m completely on Team Jakara. Take? Tamake? You guys pick.

Now Jenna is forced to wonder if she made the right decision while Tamara and Jake are having fun in Europe. Was her decision based on what she wanted or what she needed? No matter how the other shoe drops I just wish Jenna would stop and enjoy the journey instead of constantly worrying about her decisions. She should try just being happy with Matty. Those feelings don’t go away the minute she’s made her decision.

The other big revelation is we learned the identity of the anonymous blogger: Clark. He’s the perfect fit for the commenting job. He was never mean to Jenna and he was always offering her advice. Now, looking back, the “Not God” comment completely lines up with Bible Camp.

But perhaps the best part of Clark’s super awesome night was when he got the last laugh on Sadie when she caught him and Ricky in the closet making out. Is Ricky more a whore like Tamara thinks he is or more a Teddy Montgomery on 90210? Here’s hoping that question is answered next season!

Other thoughts:

  • I’ve finally figured out where I remember Nikki Deloach from: anyone remember a band called Innosense? …Now if you’ll excuse I’m going to listen to Rain, Rain on repeat.
  • It seems to be a recurring theme that Sadie gets emotionally burned every season finale.
  • This season started with Jenna partying with Jake, and ended with her partying with Matty – a full circle.
  • I didn’t really buy it when Lacey and Kevin alluded to potential money problems during the conference with Val. Lacey has had a teardown, drives a Buick, bought a hot tub, and shops like a Hilton sister. All right, so maybe the money troubles aren’t that hard to believe.
  • I nearly forgot to talk about Ming! I was really hoping the episode would segue to Ming, Tamara, and Jenna enacting their revenge on the Asian mafia after Becca got Fred Wu redistricted out of Ming’s heart. Sadly that never happened, but it doesn’t really matter because drunk Ming is amazing.

Before voting in the poll, here is tonight's winning quote courtesy of Tamara:

Tamara: I walked in on my Mom making out with her friend Claire.
Jenna: Your Mom's gay?
Tamara: No! She's a lesb-utante! She keeps it strictly above the belt, but it was a TS sitch so my Mom's letting me go on the trip to keep me from telling my Grandma. Little does she know I'm totes equal opportunity! | permalink

Be sure to read more Tamara goodness at our Awkward quotes page.

Now, what did you think of tonight's Awkward? Did Jenna make the right choice?

The Other Shoe Review

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Awkward Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

I'm gonna bump uglies tonight!


I'm a bitch, but I'm not a heartless bitch.
