Glee Round Table: "Britney 2.0"

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Glee's second episode of the season was a sequel. Sort of. "Britney 2.0" saw the gang trying to help Brittany S. Pierce after her fall from the top of the Cheerios pyramid. But was it worth it to revisit Brit-Brit? Or should Glee just leave Britney alone once and for all?

Join our Round Table of TV Fanatic staff members Leigh Raines and Miranda Wicker - along with TV Fanatic readers Suzanne Davis and Suzanne Brown - as they dish on all things Brittany/Britney and those pesky love triangles. Read on and then sound off below!


What was your favorite scene from "Britney 2.0"?
Suzanne D: I liked when Puck yelled at his brother. He's dreamy and Baby Puck totally needed that kick in the behind.

Leigh: I'm so biased because I am a huge Kate Hudson fan. I randomly loved the heart to heart she had with Rachel.

Suzanne B: I'm a huge Kate Hudson fan, too, Leigh! I love that she's a character now. But the scene that stands out for me is the final one - the smash up of Rachel's dance class, Jake's first glee class, and Britney missing Santana.

Miranda: Completely random, but the scene where Will and Emma talked to Brittany. Any time I get to see a crazy Pillsbury Pamphlet is a happy time for me.

What was your favorite performance?
Suzanne D: I was SURE the "Boys/Boyfriend" mash-up would be my favorite, but pulling out "Everytime" at the end wins. I'm a (not so) closet Britney Spears fan and that's one of her most under-appreciated songs.

Leigh: Definitely the "Boys/Boyfriend" mashup. Blaine and Artie are on fire. Besides the fact that I think Blaine is hugely talented, Artie has this smooth sexy R&B voice that makes him awesome on certain tracks.

Suzanne B: Artie and Blaine are great singers. I didn't know the "Boys" song but they killed it. I loved Marley's voice in "Womanizer" and her and Jake's mash-up and her final song. Okay, so maybe I just love her.

Miranda: I'm a huge Aerosmith fan, so while I thought the song didn't fit Jake/Marley AT ALL, since, you know, they've had one conversation ever, "Crazy/U Drive Me Crazy" was my favorite. And something about the bleachers gave it a Grease vibe.

Are you disappointed in the lack of screen time given to Puck and Santana?
Suzanne D: I'm more concerned at the total lack of Finn. Did he leave the show permanently without my noticing?

Leigh: YES. I yelped when Puck was on screen and then poof he was gone. He flew in to give a pep talk to his brother he never met and then flew back to LA? So ridiculous I don't even need to explain it.

Suzanne B: Santana sometimes annoys me, so I haven't really missed her. But more Puck please!!!

Miranda: I agree, Leigh. No way he flew from California to Ohio to tell the brother he's never met to join glee. Not a snowball's chance that actually happens ever. So, yes, I'm disappointed in the absence of some of my favorite characters. Especially Puck.

Better triangle: Jake/Marley/Kitty or Rachel/Brody/Finn? Why?
Suzanne D: Anything with Brody wins - I really like him, and not just when he's shirtless. The completely made up love story of Jake and Kitty was infuriating. Is she FORCING him to date her? Did she cast an evil spell on him? Does she have his mother locked in a dungeon somewhere? Why can't he just grow a pair and break up with her when he clearly digs Marley?

Leigh: Brody is an interesting new character, but I'm kinda curious about the new kids.

Suzanne B: Brody FTW! I'm interested to see where the show takes the Rachel/Finn/Brody story. Plus the Kitty thing was super random.

Miranda: I have all of those same questions, Suzanne! ALL of them! I do not at all understand how we were supposed to make the leap that Kitty and Jake were dating. But honestly, neither of these triangles is really doing it for me right now.  

Should Glee do more tribute episodes?
Suzanne D: I love the episodes that focus on just one singer (especially a singer I like) but this week's Glee felt more like it was making fun of Britney than paying homage. I'd like to see them try do a Billy Joel tribute episode where he drunkenly crashes his car or a Madonna tribute episode where everyone gets fake British accents and plastic surgery. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE.

Leigh: I don't know, I either love them or don't. The Madonna one and Fleetwood Mac ones were my favorite. There are definitely a lot of great artists to cover, they didn't need to do Britney twice.

Suzanne B: I'm ehhh about the tributes. I liked Britney 1.0. This one was okay even though I didn't know as many of these songs. And I agree with Suzanne, it seemed more "making fun of Britney" than a Britney tribute. I think I like the regular episodes better, but wouldn't want Glee to rule tributes out.

Miranda: Thanks to The Hunger Games, I cannot read the word "tribute" without wanting to shout "I VOLUNTEER!" And since the word tribute makes me think of something completely unrelated, I think it's safe to say I'm not a fan of tribute episodes.

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Glee Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Well that was just garbage. Garbage wrapped in skin.


Brittany: My name is Brittany S. Pierce, and I finally know how Jesus feels in his house way up at the North Pole because I am on top of the world. Senior year was awesome and now I get to relive every minute of it. I'm head Cheerio, vice-Rachel of the Glee club, and now I'm planning a Middle East style sham election that will install me as senior class president for life.
Blaine: Brittany, who are you talking to?
Brittany: I thought I was doing a voice over.

Glee Season 4 Episode 2 Music

  Song Artist
Hold It Against Me Glee Cast iTunes
Boys/Boyfriend Glee Cast iTunes
Womanizer Glee Cast iTunes