Arrow Review: Legally Resurrected

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It's safe to say that with the relief and shock of Oliver's return after five years, nobody on Arrow was expecting much from him.

However, once he was legally resurrected in "Honor Thy Father," it seemed like everyone was waiting to see who the new Oliver was and what his mark on the world would be. (Applied Sciences division? Where was Lucius Fox?)

Overall? We were treated to a cross between people who buy what Oliver is selling and those who see through the facade.

A Kiss for Laurel

With all the praise I've given Stephen Amell for his physique, I'd be remiss to ignore his acting skill. Amell pulls off the role of the obnoxious playboy very well. I truly do believe that he has a lot of people fooled. His Arrow voice just bothers me, though. It's deeper, cliched and honestly a little cheesy.

Don't get me wrong, I am still completely engrossed in the show, I just think it is a hard task for characters who play vigilantes or heroes to mask their voices during fight scenes. They are trying to throw people off and intimidate them, but I just wasn't completely sold. His fighting skills, on the other hand, are tremendous. Anyone who follows Amell on Twitter knows he is training his ass off for this show. I have to give the boy props!

Unfortunately, very few people are catching onto the fact that Oliver is Arrow. Obviously Diggle realizes it's a possibility, right? I loved the exchange between them after the fight scene at Laurel's apartment. Diggle is not a fool, but it's not his job to get Oliver to open up to him, so what's he going to say? It's almost like an unspoken agreement is forming. The only other person who I think has an inkling that Oliver and the vigilante could be related is Detective Lance. 

We've had two episodes now where the man in the green hoodie has saved people and gotten a confession from the bad guy. Obviously Lance realizes this isn't a clear cut villain situation. He also seems to have a lot of hate towards the Arrow, and we all know he has a lot of hate towards Oliver. Call it intuition, but I think Lance is getting a vibe.

Tommy and Laurel both know that Oliver is playing the part of moronic brat, but they just aren't sure why. He was very close to both of them so it makes sense that they realize they are witnessing an act. As for Thea, I'm glad she stood up to Oliver and told him she suffered too and he needed to let someone in. Clearly his mother is a bad choice, but I hope to see him bond with Thea more.

If every week we are going to see Oliver and Laurel take down a villain from different sides, it's going to get a little boring and formulaic. From what I understand, in this latest episode we met a huge character in the comic books, China White. Martin Sommers only referred to her as part of the Chinese Triad, but she's definitely here to stay.

As for the man in the limo with the same symbol on his notebook as Robert Queen? People are saying it's related to the character of Dark Archer.

Even though the flashbacks sort of freak me out, (who else is kinda terrified of being shipwrecked on a desert island?) I do think it's important for us to understand what went down on the island. Most importantly, I want to know who shot Oliver when he was burying his dad.

Hopefully next week we will pick up where we left off, but in the meantime I leave you with my favorite Arrow quote of the week.

Oliver: This guy gets more airtime on the Kardashians.
Thea: Five years on an island and you still know who they are. | permalink

Yes Thea. Even people on remote islands in the Pacific know that famous ass. Until next time, hit the comments! 

Honor Thy Father Review

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Arrow Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Home is a battlefield.

John Diggle

Before the island I was a jerk, but now I'm just a damaged jerk.
