Election Results Coverage: Best, Worst and Loopiest

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Barack Obama was re-elected President of the United States last night. But we'll leave the analysis of the Electoral College to CNN and other news outlets.

TV Fanatic will instead, as you might expect, focus on the world of television, specifically: which anchors handled the evening's coverage the best? Which made us laugh the hardest? And which made us wish we had taken a swig of whatever she drank before going on the air?

Best Non-Use of a Hologram: CNN, for foregoing the ridiculous, expensive way in which it transported will.i.am into its studio four years ago.

Most Colorful Network: NBC turned its iconic 30 Rockefeller into an electoral map, while tracking the results in red and blue over the front of the famous building itself. It was the place to be for anyone remotely visually impaired.

Journalist We Most Believe May Have Been Drunk: Speaking of impaired... Diane Sawyer got Josh Elliot's name wrong, leading to the anchor's name trending on Twitter and millions of viewers wondering if she went all Will McAvoy on us the night Bin Laden was killed.

Most Entertaining Disagreement: Karl Roves objected to his own network calling Ohio for Obama when fewer than 1,000 votes separated the candidates, prompting co-host Megyn Kelly to introduced the "Cage Match 2012" in which Rove argued on-air with Fox News Decision Desk head honcho Michael Barone.

Quietest Co-Anchors: On CBS, Scott Pelley and ex-debate moderator Bob Schieffer talked about the results as if Obama and Romney were lining up tee shots directly in front of them on the 18th hold.

Most Wax-like Impression of Herself: Sarah Palin. We'll just leave it at that.

Most Ridiculous Segment: Josh Elliott (that's his name, Diane Sawyer) stood in Times Square and talked to teenagers who just voted for the first time. They yelled and screamed and made us wonder if they should be allowed to vote again.

Most Accurate Analysis: MSNBC's John Nichols: "Obama has a lot of pro-Obama votes that are still to come in."

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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