How I Met Your Mother Review: Dog Days of Autumn

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Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, we had to endure an additional week before tonight's new episode of How I Met Your Mother.

My wait was made even longer, having sat in line for over three hours to gas up my car tonight. By the first commercial break, though, it was clear that "The Autumn of Breakups" was well worth the wait and deserving of some snaps. Maybe even a snap, circle, snap.  

As one of the biggest fans of Marshall and Lily, the high standard to which I hold their performances up to has rendered me open to disappointment for the much of this season. Here, however, the power couple finally flexed its comedic clout and returned to top form in what had to be one of the best opening five minutes in the show's history.

After witnessing their various slaps and snaps, I thought to myself: somewhere in the world Blaine Edwards and Antoine Merriweather must be bursting with pride. 

Barney's New Wingman

The scenes where Marshall channeled his inner goddess, while under Lily's tutelage, were the best moments the talented Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan have produced this season. Marshall's advice on 30-something women was quite possibly some of his funniest lines ever, as noted in tonight's best How I Met Your Mother quotes

With so much focus put on Ted and Robin's past relationship, Barney sort of took a back seat to the main storyline, but that didn't stop he and his new wingman Brover from helping to steer the episode to greatness. NPH doled out a host of pooch-inspired puns while also hilariously displaying a manic affection for his new four-legged friend.

We also got a bit of a nod to the bigger picture as he bestowed Robin with the title of Best Wingman Ever after she did her best Jo Polniaczek voice and left him to have a drink with Brover's owner. 

For a guy who probably envisioned his wedding day as much as most girls, Ted's impromptu decision to ask Victoria to marry him seemed a little out of character. I was also surprised how succinct or nonexistent his speech was. Ted is definitely the kind of guy to use a woman's full name when asking for their hand in marriage.

While the immediate "yes" from Victoria wasn't a shocker, my head which was still cocked to the side from Ted's proposal, shifted from right to left as Victoria immediately stipulated that Ted cut ties with Robin. In contrast, the eventual breakup scene at MacLaren's was tremendous and utilized some classic Carter and Craig camera work.

I have admitted to being less than fond of Ashley Williams's character this season, but the emotion was tenable as she bid adieu to Ted and expressed her hope that he end up with Robin someday. 

The last little bit we got about how, despite Ted's wishes, Robin will eventually find out about her role in the breakup must have sent Mother theorists into a tizzy. Based on the concern Robin showed all night long for Barney's well being, I am still confident the banker and the broadcaster will end up together. This means Nick's goose is all but cooked, but while I am confident Nick will eventually get the Ron Popeil "Set It and Forget It" treatment from Robin. I must say I rather enjoyed his various catchphrase attempts. 

Lily reminded us all tonight that Oprah wasn't built in a day. It's clear we still have some ground to cover before meeting Ted's wife, but if this episode was a sign of things to come, I have a feeling I won't be the only one telling the writers to take their sweet time.  

What did you all think? 

The Autumn of Breakups Review

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How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Episode 5 Quotes

Ted: Why wouldn't she just come right out and say what she wants?
Marshall: Men! It's like if there weren't pickle jars to open and spiders to kill and computers to back up, what would be their point?
Lily: MmHm.

Ted: Victoria is happy we're taking things slow.
Marshall: Oh oh honey sweetie baby. No thirty-two year old woman is happy taking things slow. Trust me, Victoria has got friends from high school posting pictures of second babies on Facebook and you think girlfriend's all like, oh lets just bone a bunch so I'm another year older and still single? Bitch please!