Castle Review: Exes Come and Go

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Welcome back, Castle fans! In what seems like forever (actual time: one month), our favorite detectives returned for a new episode. "Significant Others” focused on worlds colliding and it was not too pretty. Time to discuss!

The Return of the Ex. Castle’s first wife, Meredith, made an appearance to take care of her sick daughter and crash at Rick’s loft. Was this a good idea? Absolutely not. Especially because that of that whole Caskett thing.

Beckett and Castle Reaction

Two thoughts:

  1. For a mother who was there to take care of her sick child, did we even really see them together? Nope.
  2. Kate Beckett is a much more mature woman that I would have ever been.

Seriously, Beckett deserves a medal. Girlfriend stayed at her man’s house where his ex-wife was staying to take care of his teenage daughter? Awkward!

This scenario led to some hilarious one-liners from the Castle cast. Check them out on the Castle quotes page now!

The bigger deal came in the last few minutes of the hour. After a successful dinner with the former Mrs. Castle, Beckett asked her why their marriage didn’t work out. Her response was that Castle knew everything about her but he didn’t share enough back. It became one-sided and that wasn’t fair. Meredith has a point.

She also mentioned how Rick always reacts to not knowing his father and this made Beckett think. Will things get better or worse for the cutest couple on Monday nights? One thing is for sure: these two have really developed into a comfortable couple and it’s awesome. Thank you, Andrew Marlowe, for going the road less taken on prime time dramas.

Speaking of Divorces...

The weekly case dealt with the death of a divorce lawyer. The normal twists and turns took place and kept you guessing who killed Michelle Twohey. Have to be honest, though. I was much more interested in the personal stories than the cast in this episode. What did you think?

Side Notes...

  • Ryan and Espo continue to be the best bromance in quite some time. The two are hilarious and viewers are pumped on the additional screen time they are receiving.
  • Lanie popped up for a quick second. Not that she needs to get back with Espo, but it would be nice for her to have an arc of her own.
  • How much fun were the soon to be exes in the beginning of the hour smashing all types of things? Crazy, for sure, but definitely fun. 
  • Even though the visit from Meredith enhanced and gave more solid ground to Caskett, here is hoping she doesn’t return for quite some time.

Overall, a solid and enjoyable installment. It felt really good to have this group back on our screens after the winter break. What did you think of “Significant Others?” Up to Castle standards or did it fall short? Sound off in the comments and don’t forget to check back for the Castle Round Table later this week.

Until next Monday, TV Fanatics!

Significant Others Review

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Castle Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Beckett I'm not going to leave you just because you're daughter is sick.

Richard, you're ex wife is here!
