Castle Review: Father FIgures and Felonies

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Castle aired "Under the Influence” this week, an episode that centered on the death of a young DJ and her accomplices. Let’s discuss...

Death of a DJ. The weekly case focused on the death of DJ Beats, aka Holly Rhodes. She was a girl from the wrong side of the tracks who had gotten mixed up working for a criminal. She would DJ parties and her assistant, a young kid, would steal expensive things from the parties.

Of course, this would lead to the death of the DJ. The bright spot of this case? Getting to watch Esposito take center stage.

Partners on Castle

Javi: Big Brother. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. The character of Esposito has really grown over the past few seasons and has become one of the best on the series. There are layers and issues and it makes him all that more interesting. 

Now we know that he had a really rough childhood and even a record of his own. He just needed someone to help him out which he tried to do in return for Joey. The scenes between Javi and Joey were the most interesting parts of the hour. Jon Huertas has really become a star on this show. He has earned his right to be front and center in some of these installments. Let’s hope that the writers of the show keep up with this. 

Beckett and a Dead Body

Caskett is Comfortable. There weren’t really any exciting moments for the shippers in “Under the Influence,” except for the funny comment about the movie Valentine’s Day. These two have developed into a comfortable and functioning couple. A lot of people were worried, me included, that making these two a couple would hurt the show.

You can’t get them together too soon but if you want too long, you make the viewers angry. Andrew Marlowe had perfect timing, however. It hasn’t ruined the series at all. In fact, I think it adds a new layer to the relationship that makes it more enjoyable. Don't you agree?

Side Notes:

  • Once again, no Captain Gates. Anyone miss her?
  • Seems like there is less screen time for Martha and Alexis than before. Is it working or should they be around more?
  • Did anyone find themselves not really interested in the case of this episode at all?
  • Getting closer to the annual two-parter in February. Can’t wait!

Overall, an enjoyable Castle episode. Not the best, but definitely not the worst. What did you think of “Under the Influence?” Up to Castle standards or did it fall short? Sound off below and let us know what you thought and check out the Castle quotes page for some good lines from the one and only Espo. Also, come back later this week for the Castle Round Table too!

Until next time, Castle Fanatics!

Under the Influence Review

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Rating: 4.1 / 5.0 (278 Votes)
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