The Vampire Diaries Round Table: "Into the Wild"

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The Vampire Diaries jumped "Into the Wild" this week, as viewers finally learned of Shane's real motives, we almost lost Caroline and Damon was introduced to a new member of The Five.

What did our Round Table panel of Matt Richenthal, Miranda Wicker, Steve Marsi, Dan Forcella and Leigh Raines think of the island-based installment? Find out below and then chime in with your thoughts...


What was your favorite scene or quote from the episode?
Matt: There was some solid dissing and even better dismissing this week. Klaus isn't worth the calories it takes Caroline to slam him? Elena agrees that Rebekah is "easy?" Forget fangs. The claws were out last night.

Miranda: This is hard since this episode was a bit of a letdown compared to last week. I'll go with Damon torturing Shane because I haven't trusted Shane from the moment we first met him and Damon hasn't either. Damon's instincts about things like that are rarely wrong.

Steve: Plenty of candidates this week. I'm going with the flashbacks of Shane and his dead witch wife, and Damon being taken down by another member of The Five, because both were completely out of left field and either explained or added new elements to the unfolding mystery.

Dan: Maybe I'm just a sucker for Claire Holt's smile, but my favorite scene was Rebecca and Stefan's heart to heart  I switch which 'ship I represent so often, it's about time I start heavily supporting what Rebecca and Stefan have going on. Good Lord, she's attractive.

Leigh: Guys, I almost fell asleep during this episode...and I'm an insomniac. Next question.

Were you surprised by Shane's turn?
Matt: No, I'm more surprised by how this question is phrased. Shane's turn? Doesn't that imply he was once a good guy? Please. Who didn't see his selfish motives coming from... however many miles away Mystic Falls is from the coast of Nova Scotia.

Miranda: No, not at all. He's just not someone that has ever shouted "I'm a good guy! You can trust me!" The fact that he would bring them to the island and plan to kill at least one of them isn't surprising at all.

Steve: LOL @ question. Surprised at some of the circumstances, maybe, but not that Shane's shadiness was confirmed in general. It was just a matter of when and how.

Dan: The creepy professor turned out to be up to no good? Who woulda thunk it?

Leigh: No, he's had a creepy vibe since day one. Ugh, get rid of this guy. Not only is he a creep, he's taught Bonnie magic that could kill her - and he's given us one of the most boring storylines in years.

Should Damon take The Cure?
Matt: No offense to the human race and all (go Team Homosapians!), but why would any vampire take the cure?!? They can live forever. They can have incredible sex. They never need to worry about sunburn. You want children? One phone call to an adoption agency and one compulsion and... BAM! You're a parent.

Miranda: I'm torn on this one. For a completely noncommittal answer, I think Damon should take it if Damon wants to take it, but shouldn't take it because Elena or Stefan, or anyone else, are trying to pressure him into it. Not that pressure exactly works with Damon. His "existential crisis" moment from The Vampire Diaries Season 1 was a huge moment for his character. I think he wants to be human just as much as the rest of them, but he's incredibly scared of going back.

Steve: Miranda should consider a career in politics after that very intelligent-sounding non-answer. I say no. He's a vampire with depth, but a vampire through and through. I can't envision him rejoining us humans the way Stefan longs for it. Side note: How does one "take" the cure? Is there an unlimited supply for whatever "it" is? How do they know it's not a one-and-done kind of thing?

Dan: And risk Elena not being in love with him anymore? Would you?!?

Leigh: No! But something tells me he might be forced to take it or take it by accident. Vampire Diaries spoilers say something controversial is going to happen and I have a feeling it's going to happen to Damon, which sucks. Damon makes a great vampire, he just does. It's who he is.

Are Klaus and Caroline meant to be?
Matt: No. Relationships that are based on life-saving Hybrid blood and sacrificial/revenge-based murders almost never work out.

Miranda: As much as I love Caroline and Tyler together, there's a part of me who actually wants to see Caroline and Klaus give it a whirl. Or just a hot vamp-sex roll in the hay. Caroline brings out the best in both Tyler and Klaus and I think I would be happy seeing her with either of them so long as the writers stop making her a damsel in distress so often.

Steve: Ask Caroline how she feels about that. Can you be smitten with a guy who saves your life even if he almost ended it in the first place? And if he also killed your boyfriend's mom, your BFF's aunt and countless others? The accent only goes so far, love.

Dan: No. My man Niklaus deserves better than her. She has become so lame as of late that her and Tyler deserve each other. I really wanted Klaus to just murder the both of them right then and there and be done with it.

Leigh: I don't know that Klaus is meant to be with anyone because he's such a sociopath, but I kinda really like him and Caroline together. Tyler and Caroline don't excite me as a couple anymore and they used to be the best. Caroline does have chemistry with Klaus and he's definitely in love with her. I'm not opposed to shaking it up.

Where was Matt this week?!?
Matt: Probably at home writing an essay. Or maybe studying his football playbook. Or perhaps... eh, I can't do it: the guy was at the Grill.

Miranda: D'uh. Washing his Varsity letter jacket.

Steve: Grill. Business always seems to be booming at that place despite the obscenely high murder rate there - and those double shifts? Brutal.

Dan: He was writing his college essays. 

Leigh: LMAO, Miranda kills me. Washing his Varsity letter jacket." Great answer. I think Matt was probably in class because he's the only one who can't compel the administration to let him just a day off.

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