How I Met Your Mother Review: Can You Dig It?

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Marshall and Lily hit a roadblock in their preparations for Italy this week on How I Met Your Mother, calling in Ted to help sort through their mess.

And when Robin's emotional state was in disarray, Ted cane to the rescue once again.

Yes, "Something Old" reminded us how Ted has always been the glue holding this circle of friends together. Marshall and Lily are starting a new chapter abroad, while Barney and Robin count down to their new future together. Ted is still single and probably should be more concerned with the next stage of his own life, but he never hesitates to answer the call when one of his friends needs him.

It is quite possible Ted relishes these opportunities because it takes his focus off his own issues and struggles. How can he be bothered with finding his soulmate if the people he cares about need him? We saw tonight how you can try to bury the past or compartmentalize your feelings into little boxes, but sooner or later, life catches up with you and demands action. 

Uncovering Her Past

Ted was reluctant to throw away any item possessing some sentimental value from his years spent as Marshall and Lily's third wheel. After all, if his friends could so easily part with things like the bean bag chair, how long would it be before they kicked him to the curb as well? At first I rolled my eyes at this fear of Ted's, but then he admitted to being aware of just how paranoid he sounded, yet he still could not help feeling that way. 

Robin seemed to have the same sort of feelings when it came to Barney. Despite knowing she loves him and acknowledging how much he has grown over the years, she still could not shake the feeling her life was about to change for the worse. 

When things get confusing in life, we tend to retreat back to what we know. Ted and Robin both were confused and insecure, but would they really betray a man they both love? The answer is an emphatic "no way Jose!" Ted would never strap on the emotional equivalent of a hands free belt satchel, so he could stab his friend in the back. 

As absurd as Robin using the simple trowel to find her locket was, her apprehensions about marrying Barney were quite understandable. I just don't see her leaving Barney to go down the relationship path again with Ted. I know I wasn't the only one who had his face half hidden by a pillow for fear of seeing the two ex-lovers lean in for a rain soaked kiss. Thankfully it never came to that.  

Breaking up the more serious aspects of tonight's episode were several very funny moments:

  • Everything about Robin in the Central Park flashback including her dream to one day brush her husband's mullet. 
  • Ted bragging about his ability to pack with Tetris like precision. (I think of the game too whenever packing my car for a trip.) 
  • Ted, Marshall and Lily as Destiny's Child.
  • Barney trying to think of another hockey player besides Wayne Gretzky.  
  • Barney: Stand up straight Cayden! | permalink
The one image I keep going back to though is Ted taking off the yellow rain coat/poncho and leaving it on the bean bag chair to go and buy fanny packs for Marshall and Lily.
Obviously it wasn't the yellow umbrella, but I can't help but think that was a nod to the much discussed symbol for the mother. What did you think? 

Something Old Review

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How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Episode 23 Quotes

You get older, you have kids, you stop stealing, it's sad.


Stand up straight Cayden!
