Switched at Birth Review: Houses Divided

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As the changes continued in our extended Switched at Birth family, they seemed to hit Daphne the hardest in "Distorted House."

In last week's review, I pointed out that Bay continually got the short end of the stick when it came to the multiple parents. It didn't really seem any different on the side of the adults, but Daphne was definitely seeing the downside to all of the change.


Bay decided to give living with Regina a try while Angelo was out searching for his baby daughter. In a surprising move, Lana not only took the baby from him, but gave it up for adoption. Just seconds after Angelo asked Regina what she did to stop herself all those years ago from grabbing Bay and running once she realized her baby had been switched, the adoptive father of his daughter confronted him. 

Daphne was feeling the loss of Regina and jealousy that Bay was living with her, and her relationship with Kathryn was suffering. Kathryn pointed out that although she missed Bay, she wasn't taking it out on Daphne. Daphne's behavior of wanting her cake and eating it too - living with Kathryn and having full access to Regina or vice versa - was exactly what I was pointing out last week. On the other hand, Bay was embracing her chance to test the waters with her birth mother.

It was an interesting twist at the end when Kathryn and Daphne decided to make lasagna for Bay and Regina and walked in on a happy family of three dancing. As Bay rightfully pointed out, she can't dance, but she was enjoying her moment with her birth parents and they with her. It was the first time they seemed a family. Given that Angelo returned home without his daughter after the confrontation with her adoptive father, perhaps we can assume he chose to let her be raised by the new family and recognize the one he already has, but hasn't fully enveloped. It was the happiest I've ever seen the other side of the family - and it was about time.

Through Bay's job at Maui Kansas, she learned that one of Ty's army buddies returned home before him and committed suicide. She was naturally very worried and Ty's behavior didn't help matters. When Bay saw Ty had her poster tattooed on his arm, she felt great regret about breaking up with him while he was over there. After talking it over with Regina, Regina paid him a visit about her stint in rehab and it gave him the courage to speak with Bay about what happened to him on his tour of duty. The story he told her about the poster and her hard-ass Hammer Girl put Bay's mind at ease. 

The way they cut the commercials made it seem like Ty was going to be stalking Bay, but instead it was a really lovely story about friendship and what young men witness while at war and what gives them courage to continue to fight. I wish the promotion for the show had been in a positive vein instead of negative. Are we really to believe that only negativity draws viewers?

I was really intrigued with the conversation between John and Kathryn about the manager position at the car wash... and very disappointed with the outcome. As John made salient points about whether they wanted Toby to be managing a car wash full time and who else was out there who could give an opportunity such as that to Travis, Kathryn wanted John to favor their son and worried about Travis' communication with vendors due to his hearing loss. I hoped for once nepotism wouldn't win out in the end, but John decided that with Travis going back to school it would be better to promote Toby. 

Personally, I'm not sure that Toby is cut out for the business world or if he's even interested in doing it. I think he's merely thinking of it as a means to and end - getting money for his wedding. John's decision will likely come back to bite him in the ass. Will Travis stick around and loyally accept the role should it be offered again?

What did you think of this week's episode? Are things evening out a bit for Bay and Daphne? What do you think it will take to bring everyone together? As much as I'd love to see one big happy family, I don't think they'll truly appreciate what they've experienced until they've experienced fully the unique nature of their lives - and that includes losing a part of each family and gaining a part back. 

Distorted House Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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