Perception Review: Pretty Little Liars

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The bottom line, as demonstrated on Perception this week: lying is bad and the truth shall set you free (or send you to jail).

"Toxic" delved into the world of secrets on a twisted path that began with a fight against a corporation believed to be poisoning its citizens, right on down to an unknowingly familial revelation. Sprinkle in a medical mystery, a creepy ghost hallucination and some Kate and Daniel love (where are the shippers?) for that true Perception touch.

From the outset, I wasn't entirely sure where the case would be headed, but I enjoyed that Donnie's meddlesome comments about how Kate's "thing" for Daniel caused the good doctor's neurosis to be even more manic and send him on an assignment that didn't deal with the old folks ponzi scheme.

Really, the mix of a corporation causing problems in a small town which may or may not be causing a group of girls to have been infected and displaying symptoms of Tourette syndrome-like tics was right up Daniel's alley.

A Dark Secret

Granted, the bumps along the way were funny, from the "everything that went possibly wrong" flight to the poor hotel accommodations. I mean, who doesn't want the furniture all rearranged and the beautiful art on the wall tossed out?

If anything, the hour was really meant to keep you guessing. While in a way it came full circle (with a few moments that required a stretch of the imagination), it was an intriguing meshing of situations.

The toxicity turned out to be a bust and Daniel's crusader turned out to be a manipulator of facts, yet it still didn't explain why the girl's were having problems. But a high level of guilt?

It was a little tough for me to imagine that bottled up emotion and guilt could cause the problem, yet I was pleased that the guilt wasn't actually about killing Pattie. Instead, it was focused on how they believed they killed her because the embarrassment of a sex tape made Pattie kill herself.

And while I found the creepy ghost hallucination a unique and frightening aspect (seriously, who wants a dead girl saying "help me" in your closet), I thought the super close ups of the twinkling Twilight eye stare to feel a little forced. I know it was an exaggeration of what Daniel was thinking and noticing, but c'mon... the tiny flecks in the eyes allowed him to figure it all out?

I guess certainly all the clues had been laid out throughout the episode: the son, Daniel seeing Pattie's two eye colors and the girls filming. But I had enjoyed that Daniel's hallucination wasn't really telling him anything for most of the hour.

That said, the brother and sister relationship was a bit of a shocker, especially because the son never knew and Pattie hearing about it got her killed. Or a heart attack did, but really, it was a culmination of everything spiraling out of control.

I did find it humorous that Daniel eventually confronted Kate during the case (it's great when the show takes time to focus on the characters involved), although he was no smooth Romeo turning down her signals and any relationship with her.

I still like their rapport, and enjoyed seeing her taken aback by his revelation. We will definitely be teased about the will they/won't they throughout the season, and hopefully, drunk Lewicki can make a return appearance as well.

One minor thing I was hoping for, especially because the episode ended up partially focusing on high school girls and popularity, would have been a fun nod to Rachael Leigh Cook's character in the movie She's All That. I know she mentioned she was something of a nerd with the Mathletes, but it would have been fun to have Kate make a reference like being the outcast but dating the jock, or something along those lines.

Overall, a solid hour of Perception Season 2 that definitely put a brand new spin on secrets and showed that Daniel is willing to make some positive changes. Even it that means moving the desk right back the way it was a moment ago.

Toxic Review

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Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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