Burn Notice Review: Promises Must Be Kept

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The line between good and bad - lawful and “honorable - is so blurry I’m not sure where Michael and the gang are standing.

And James was no slouch when it came to smearing them in "Bitter Pill."

Finding the Antidote

Was I the only one with a tear in my eye as Michael and Fiona were looking at each other when she woke up after he rescued her? We’ve all been praying for weeks for these two to cut through the fighting and remember they truly love each other.

Well, nothing works better than a near death experience. I was so happy that Fiona survived, I actually didn't mind that James’ punishment on Ben for leaving her behind was a bit harsh... or a bit fatal, to be exact.

Then again, John Pyper-Ferguson is so ruggedly handsome and so charming as James, I was agreeing with him anyway. But Ben broke the first rule of Burned Spy Club: never leave a man behind

James even charmed Madeline into letting him protect her and Charlie. I loved it when he slowly walked over and picked up the cigarettes before he left. He wasn't kidding when he said he was going to protect her. 

I said it last week: if James could get Fiona on his side, Michael would well and truly be sold. I never considered what would happen if Madeline was convinced. Then again, how convinced could she be when she threatened him on the way out?

James: Please, let me protect you.
Madeline: Fine.
James: Thank you.
Madeline: Next time you show up like this, I will shoot you on sight. 

On the other hand, did you miss Sonya or Strong this week? I was aware they were missing, but I didn't really care. Well, I did miss the adorable Sonya, but I’m with Fiona on Strong, he needs to go soak his head. 

Overall it was a good episode, and with only four remaining, things are coming to a close much faster than I would like them to. I’m giving this episode 4.5 exploding fire extinguisher in honor of Michael’s coolest move to date.

Bitter Pill Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (45 Votes)

Jim G. is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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Burn Notice Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Michael: It's a face of life right now.
Madeline: You know, sometimes Michael, people get use to the wrong things. I can't afford to do that. Not anymore. I've got Charlie.
Michael: Just let it go.
Madeline: I can't do that anymore Michael. You do whatever it is you have to do. And I will do what I have to do.

Michael: You could have just told us where to meet you.
James: Well, man in my position doesn't last very long by announcing where he is going in advance.