Bones Review: Bucket List

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For a few scenes tonight, it seemed like Bones might go Breaking Bad on us with the story of a principal who masqueraded as a criminal after office hours. But nope.He was just a dying man who used his impending expiration to be an inspiration to those seeking to do more with their lives.

And, hey, if he made a few bucks doing it and could set his wife and kids up and right some wrongs? Cool.

It's sort of hard to believe that a show that deals with death and murder each week hasn't had an episode about a bucket list yet. Better this season than never, right? "The Lady on the List" featured the team contemplating all the things they might do before they die.

The Bucket List

Now that Pelant is finally out of the way, thank the TV gods, Booth and Brennan can get back to being the couple we've come to known and love. This installment was full of their witty but serious-toned banter as they went about planning their wedding. 

Booth wants pigs in a blanket at the reception. Brennan wants to get married in a church because she knows how much that means to Booth. Both of them agree that the wedding will be completely theirs and free of outside influence. 

They were happy. It was good.

What makes them perfect for each other is the ways in which they're opposites, and their bucket lists, or Brennan's lack of a bucket list, helps illustrate that point. 

While both of them have traveled, Brennan has traveled in pursuit of her own happiness and education. She's had her own adventures, and while they may differ from Booth's idea of adventures, they've been hers. Booth has things like "travel to outer space" on his bucket list. Brennan's list is complete because she has Booth and Christine. There's nothing more she wants from life. Except a Nobel prize.

I haven't always been the biggest fan of the revisionist history of Brennan's character, and if I dwell on it too much, I won't like it right now either. But something about the picture of the dress and her empty list but full life worked for me. A little. (A lot?)

Here's a girl who was "normal." She dreamed of her wedding and what her life would be like and then her life forked and she became a person she didn't realize she could be. Cold, analytical, meticulous. Slowly, Booth has brought the girl she was forward so that she's more of a whole person than before they met.

It's a nice transition that didn't need a weird near-death encounter with her mother's spirit in order to happen, but it's a new side to this character just the same. She's more friendly and personable and Oliver Wells is a good reminder of what Brennan could have become.

Oliver is, in Angela's words, a douche. (You can read more of Angela's words of wisdom on the Bones quotes page.) He spares no one's feelings in saying whatever springs to mind and sees everyone as beneath him. He has no sense of cordiality or being a team player. It's no wonder he has no friends, you know? Brennan could have been that had her life not forked once again when she met Angela and was partnered with Booth.

Behind Wendell, Oliver might be my second favorite squint of only because of his bristling nature that keeps the team on their toes.

It feels worth noting that Sweets appears to be back in the FBI's employ full time after asking to complete his leave of absence just two weeks ago. It seemed easy enough to think that he had come back strictly for the Pelant case last week, but no, he's back. So the youths go un-counseled now, I guess.

I had a brief moment of wondering just what would happen if Sweets were replaced by VAL full time and realized it would probably look something like Almost Human and decided I'll just wait for the latter series to debut. RIP, VAL.

Random flotsam from tonight worth mentioning:

  • Chuck Liddell as Chuck Liddell: An item on the deceased principal's bucket list? Punch Chuck Liddell in the face. Seems legit.
  • Angela forgives Booth: In a conversation with Brennan, Angela admits she should've trusted Booth. Which is only what I screamed for weeks over here.
  • Face-off: So far in 5 episodes, Cam has ripped the face off of two corpses. Maybe 3 if she de-faced the body from last week. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? Did they learn a new special effects trick and decide to do it as many times as possible? And the sound effects? Shudder.
  • One of the coolest things I did in a high school Biology class was dissect an owl pellet. Inside I found and reassembled part of a mouse skeleton. All that to say I'm Team Hodgins on the disgusting-awesome factor of the hawk rangle.
  • Of COURSE Hodgins wants to be shot out of a cannon. Of course he does. Because who doesn't really? (Me. And Cam.)
What did you think of "The Lady on the List"? Are you ready for next week's wedding? What's on your bucket list?

The Lady on the List Review

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Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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Bones Season 9 Episode 5 Quotes

Sweets: So I'm comparing character traits of rock climbers and their psychosocial...
Booth: Great.
Sweets: You don't want to hear it?
Booth: I get it. Psycho socials are like dances, you know, in the loony bin.

Brennan: I do dislike it when other people tell me what to do.
Booth: See, now there's the Bones that I love!