Pretty Little Liars Review: Ravenswood,The Prequel

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After the amazing Pretty Little Liars summer finale, viewers were expecting a lot from this year's Halloween special.

So don't you feel a bit cheated after that installment?

Hanna Marin for Halloween

"Grave New World" was a disappointing follow-up, spending more time setting up the mysterious new show Ravenswood than advancing the plot of Pretty Little Liars. Not to be rude, but if I wanted to watch Ravenswood, I'd tune in an hour later.

There's nothing wrong with a little exposition, but more than half the show was devoted to Miranda: her backstory, befriending Caleb and finding out that somehow dead people (like she and Caleb) are still walking around. Nice to meet you, Miranda, and good luck on Ravenswood. I'm sure there will be some crossover between the shows, especially with all that coming Haleb drama, but there was plenty we wanted to see and know in the Liars universe.

Compare this year's Halloween special to the last two and you'll definitely understand my frustration. "The First Secret" gave us some great background information coupled with a spooky story, while the Halloween train was definitely a wild ride with an shocking final surprise (which definitely needs to be re-examined).

What did we get this year?

The girls follow a secret passage and end up in a scary mansion chasing a recording of Ali's screams. Until the final act reveal of Alison, the night was shaping up to the biggest disappointment in Pretty Little Liars history.

Even still, Alison shows up and says very little. I'm assuming she doesn't know who was stalking and attempting to murder her; otherwise, it wouldn't make sense for her to not tell Aria that her boyfriend is bad news. Unless they are really going to string us along with this reveal. Instead of useful information, Alison only tells Hanna to remember what she said in the hospital.

Way back in season one, Ali told Hanna that all four girls knew what happened to her, they just didn't realize it. So... each girl either has some buried memories or they have small snippets of the whole that will tell them the truth. In any case, this information is pretty much useless, cryptic filler to entice us to tune for the winter premiere on January 7.

And, of course, I will.

Were you as disappointed by the Halloween special? Or did you find it just spooky enough for the holiday?

Grave New World Review

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Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Spencer: One of us knows how to change a tire, right?
Emily: And you're looking at me cause I'm gay.
Aria: No, you just happen to be the sporty one

Aria: What kind of town throws a party in a graveyard?
Spencer: Must be to honor their dead.
Aria: Yeah, but can't they do that without walking all over them.