Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Review: The Madness of Hope

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With Anastasia dead, Jafar offered Will one thing in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Season 1 Episode 12


Jafar can revive Will's one true love if he helps him go through with his plan to reverse magic. 

The problem is, not only would he be handing Jafar unspeakable power, Will must also turn on Alice and Cyrus in order to do it.

But, as Jafar says in this Once Upon a Time in Wonderland quote

Love makes us to the maddest things, doesn't it?


It's no surprise that Alice and Cyrus turn Will down. They've been fighting all of this time to stop Jafar and neither one of them has any real love for the Red Queen. Still, as Will pointed out, if the tables were turned and she had to do it for Cyrus... would Alice's answer be different?

When it became obvious that Jafar had no intention of freeing the Jabberwocky, she decided to turn the tables. She's quite an interesting character in her own warped way and it's oddly fun to hear her analyze everyone's deepest, darkest fears.

Her comment about how monsters are made, that they are the product of cruel people in a cruel world, had me wondering just how the Jabberwocky came to be. 

In Wonderland's past, Will was simply the Knave bound to do the Queen of Hearts bidding because she held his heart. Thankfully, Alice was able to steal it back and it was fun watching the power she had over Will as she held it, not to mention his reaction.

Just because I'm not ordered to kill you anymore doesn't mean I can't.


Fortunately, Alice has gotten a whole lot better with that sword or I don't think she would have survived long in Wonderland. 

But Wonderland's present was far more interesting. Jafar didn't even need his Jabberwocky to figure out Amara's worst fear and it didn't take long for him to use it against her. And Alice's powerful connection to Cyrus has her falling to her knees when he was injured. 

With Amara now giving Jafar exactly what he wants, it's anyone's guess how he'll use this new and powerful magic. Why is he so determined to change the rules of magic and will he use any of it to save Cyrus and Anastasia? We'll have to wait until next week's series finale to find out.

Do you think Cyrus and Anastasia will be saved?

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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