Star-Crossed: Watch Season 1 Episode 3 Online

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As the anniversary of Arrival Day nears, the students at Marshall High are given a chance to visit the sector and get the Atrians to tell their own stories of that momentous day. Unfortunately there's still a ton of anger and hatred among the groups.

In Star-Crossed Season 1 Episode 3, Emery and Grayson interviewed some of the Atrians in the sector. However when it was time to air the video at the commemoration, it was hijacked by the Red Hawks. Emery found out the truth about Grayson's family and it wasn't pretty.

Elsewhere, Julie showed Roman the spreading of the blue veins and they worked to find a cure. This involved Roman asking Teri for a favor and she wasn't too happy to help after he rejected her romantic advances.

So did Teri help? And what was Drake up to with the Trags? Watch Star-Crossed online to find out!

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Star-Crossed Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

I lost half of my tribe. Those who survived were gunned down by your bitch guards. But you don't see me wrapping myself in ribbon like a birthday present now do you?


You've been in school a week and you already have boy problems? School is phenomenal.

Julia [to Emery]