Parks and Recreation Review: Concept of Time

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Wow! Big news on Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 19! We're going to have a little Knope-Wyatt on our hands!

And I can't wait for Leslie to become a mother - I think that could lead to some really fun scenes on the (likely) final season of the show. And hats off to Parks and Recreation.

They found a way for a couple to be the same page in a unique way. I've seen the old, "I have something to tell you," only for the spouse to start talking about how they really don't want children, etc., but Ben and Leslie are so epically in sync that Ben wanting children the exact moment Leslie wants to share her news feels completely right.

I'm thrilled for them and this continues to reaffirm my love for a series that is willing to show its characters continually evolving and moving forward.

Now, as for the rest of the Parks department, April really shined. I wish she could have been Tom's sommelier. Craig is great, but he's no April. Although April would kill the business.

I did enjoy the appearance of Ron Swanson's counterpart, Ron, but did feel the scenes with Ben were basically filler to stall him from hearing the news from Leslie until the end of the episode.

But, like I said, that least scene between Ben and Leslie was really strong and if the weaker scenes needed to lead up to that moment, so be it. Part of me half expected Ben to say he didn't want children, just to create some drama, but this show jumps those missteps far too easily. I should have assumed!

And bring back more of Andy's kid-party singing, please! I love every single one of his songs.

So, Leslie's having a baby! Boy or girl?

Flu Season 2 Review

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