The Real Housewives of New York City Review: The Singer Stinger

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Ramona Singer was only back in town a few hours when her sting was felt in The Real Housewives of New York City Season 6 Episode 6 - but Heather wasn't about to let her make it an "Unhappy Anniversary."

We recap what happens after Africa in our +/- review...

Heather called it the Singer Stinger. Has Bravo made the t-shirt yet? If not we're sure it's coming. Plus 15.

Ramona returned from her African vacation and as Carole said, she started trying to play the Dalai Lama. Has Ramona found her inner peace? We don't think so.

Had to laugh when Ramona immediately started recounting tales about watching lions having sex. Minus 12. As LuAnn said, "Shouldn't what happens in Africa, stay in Africa." 

But there was a lot of sex talk in this episode. Kristen's husband was quick to share that she had agreed to six bj's a week when they signed the lease on their new apartment. Minus 33. Talk about needing to read the fine print!

Perhaps Carole's right. "They don't call it a job for nothing."

Later, Yolanda tells Kristen to give her husband what he wants or someone else will.

But what was the point of having Yolanda Foster and Brandi Glanville visit. They were onscreen for less than five minutes and it was a boring five minutes at that. Minus 20. 

The big drama was between Aviva and Heather, but it was all thanks to Ramona Singer. 

Ramona just couldn't leave it alone and Heather was right when she called her on her bull. "You didn't talk to her for a year and now you love her?" Since when has Ramona ever loved Aviva? Minus 18.

I was surprised Heather agreed to that lunch with Aviva and she lasted longer at that table than I ever would have. 

Aviva loves to play the victim. On the phone she said she was afraid of Heather. Then she told Heather she felt "verbally raped" and when that didn't win her any sympathy points she turned the tables and accused Heather and Carole of being lovers.  Minus 50.

Is this really the person Ramona wants as her new best friend?

I didn't blame Heather for a minute for not inviting Aviva to her party. Who wants to risk that kind of drama for their 10th anniversary?

What was far worse was Ramona and Sonja boycotting the party. Weren't they just complaining about Heather getting into the middle of Aviva and Carole's business? Aren't they doing the same thing? Minus 16

Heather wasn't about to let it ruin her party. "If they don't want to come to my party, I don't want them there. Holla that, bitches."

Plus 75. Holla that.

Episode total = -59! Season total = -196!

Were Ramona and Sonja right to boycott Heather's party?

Unhappy Anniversary Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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