24: Live Another Day Review: Terms of Surrender

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The rule is to never negotiate with terrorists.

President Heller seemed ready to not only break that rule, but crush it to pieces on 24: Live Another Day Season 1 Episode 7.

With all of London on the line and a hospital already blown to bits, Heller made the phone call to Margot and all but said he planned to surrender himself if the killings would stop. 

Perhaps he thinks that since he has Alzheimer's that it would be better to die a hero and save lives than simply step down as President after the bombs fall.

Mark was certainly shocked when Heller told he and Audrey of his plans to step down when they returned to the U.S. He'd originally planned to finish out his term but now he sees that in a different light as he explained in this 24: Live Another Day quote

That was arrogant, vain, and stupid of me to even think that.

President Heller

Heller's nearly public health issues and his plans to step down would certainly help Mark cover up his treason. Perhaps he can make it appear that Heller simply forgot he signed that paper agreeing to turn Jack over the Russians. 

Navarro once again proved to be a little weasel as he agreed to kill Jordan but didn't have the guts to get his hands dirty by doing it himself.  And his handler turned out to be an even bigger weasel. Adrian Cross.

Elsewhere, Jack and Kate worked together to try and break Simone. I was a little surprised that Kate looked shocked that Jack would press on Margot's half a finger to try and get her to talk. The bad guys were willing to do a lot worse than that to Kate just last week as that drill bit got mighty close to her forehead. But even Jack seemed to think he lost control…

I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I just hate these people for thinking there is anything that would justify what they're doing.


Speaking of which, Margot was pretty darn trigger happy with that drone. The woman does not handle betrayal well and she certainly isn't interested in listening to explanations, not even from her own daughter. 

I was a little surprised that Simone's brother was so willing to pull the trigger but then again, I guess I shouldn't have been. His mother would have just as easily but a bullet in his head if he had refused. 

Now we wait to see if Heller has some master plan or if he really means to play the martyr. You tell us, TV Fanatics. Which do you think it is?

Day 9: 5:00 PM-6:00 PM Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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24: Live Another Day Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

If I thought for one moment that my health risks anyone's life I would resign this presidency immediately.

President Heller

Nobody is sitting idly by. We're working our asses off here.

President Heller