Homeland Season 5 Trailer: Sucked Back In

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Carrie is a private citizen, but she's not keeping her hands clean for long.

One minute she looks like the doting mother, toting her toddler on her bike and balancing her on her lap, but the next she appears to be helping the Germans access American information for a huge data breach into US surveillance. 

Remember when Quinn left in Homeland Season 4? He was running away from his feelings. It looks like that was a major success, as he's apparently become a formidable killing machine again. 

Before the trailer is over, US foreign policy is called into question, Saul is chastising Carrie, Carrie is kidnapped once (maybe twice). and there are bombs and guns blazing. 

Nope, this won't be about your average data breach, not at all. Who is ready for Homeland Season 5? It returns Sunday, Oct. 4, so get your party hats ready!

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Homeland Quotes

Carrie: I missed something once before. I won't, I can't let that happen again.
Saul: It was ten years ago. Everyone missed something that day.
Carrie: Everyone's not me.

Carrie: Because Abu Nazir is playing the long game. This way no one expects a thing.
Saul: Except you?
Carrie: Except me.