12 Monkeys Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Emergence

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While I'm sad the 1944 adventure is now over, there's so much more in store.

Overall, I thought 12 Monkeys Season 2 Episode 4 began to fit the puzzle pieces into place, and we learned the plague was just the tip of the iceberg. Do you think the Witness will manage to stop time this season?

I'd love to see what that looks like, but would hate to lose Jennifer in the process.

Though Monkeys is quite serialized, this installment was very much 12 Monkeys Season 2 Episode 3's part two. Naturally, it made perfect sense to send Ramse back to 1944 to help our stranded heroes. Still, after all the torture why would he agree?

Well, Jones went straight for his Achilles heel. Like Steve Rogers with Bucky, there's nothing Ramse would not do for his best pal Cole. Yes, I went to see Captain America: Civil War twice this weekend and absolutely loved it. I highly recommend it.

The comparison rings true, and though Cassie may not quite understand their relationship... I totally get it. Family is family. We may not get along all the time, but when push come to shove we are there for one other. Of course, it didn't hurt that Jones promised to release Ramse and his son. Pretty much a no brainer for him, right?

Wasn't it cool to learn Ramse was on the other end of that random phone call?

Jones: We need you to go back to 1944, find them and bring them home safely.
Ramse: You trust me now?
Jones: I trust your relationship with Mr. Cole enough to know that you will help him.

Sure it was awfully convenient Ramse arrived on time (what with all the temporal anomalies), but getting hit by a car was a terrific twist.

The episode would have been over before it started if Ramse rushed in and saved the day that easily. I loved that we revisited the events of Cassie's arrival, but from Ramse's perspective. Can you believe that nurse knocked him out?

Emily Hampshire was brilliant as always as old Jennifer. I was worried when she parted ways with Cole that we might not see her as much. However, knowing she's connected to time I'm sure Jennifer will be vital this season. Since the Witness is after Primaries, I am worried old Jennifer's life is in danger.

Can you imagine this series without Jennifer Goines?

"Do you have more to offer than riddles" Jones demanded. Jennifer is a tough pill to swallow and you could see the frustration on Jones' face. The ant analogy was wonderful, as was Jennifer telling the woman who created time travel she doesn't understand time. Yep, break out the red forest tea baby!

Jones: Mr. Cole and doctor Railly are lost in time. This anomaly is threatening to kill us all. I don't have the time to break on through to the other side with you.
Jennifer: Jim Morrison. Primary.

It was ridiculously frustrating watching events unfold while Ramse lay helpless in that hospital bed. Would he reach Cole and Cassie in time? When he finally arrived at the mental asylum, Messenger Vivian was there to greet him. So that's why she was held up, she was dealing with the traveler.

It was clever of Ramse to attempt to confuse the Messengers by playing double agent. They didn't fall for it though and handcuffed him to a heater. Time was running out and I was sitting there at the edge of my seat.

Everything played out exactly as it had in the previous hour, paradox and all. Ramse appeared to have failed miserably, but he did crash the interrogation party to free Cole and Cassie. Ultimately, that's what he was meant to do. Unfortunately, Tommy's paradox was always meant to happen.

Was anyone else surprised by all the future talk in front of detective what's his name? Talk about butterfly effect, right? He not only pieced things together nicely and did the right thing, but saw them all splinter.

I was surprised that unpleasant cop Cole met at the bar turned out to be one of the good guys. How will knowing about time travel affect this man's future?

Ramse bringing up Cassie's "severe attitude problem" was spot on. Many fans have been trashing Cassie via social media lately. Are our attention spans that short, guys? Cole screwed up her entire life, not to mention he left Aaron behind to burn. Ramse worked with the Monkeys destroying the world.

I understand we were used to a different Cassie, but like it or not her reasoning is sound.

Though I'm still curious about those missing years and a possible romance between them, I understand what she's going through. It would feel off if she simply continued chasing after Cole without questioning him. The woman is too smart for that in my opinion.

Ramse: You know what Cassie? I can say one thing with absolute certainty.
Cassie: And what's that Ramse?
Ramse: James Cole is loyal. To a fault. That's a rare thing.

Was that conversation the start of Cassie softening up a bit? If you think about, we're only 4 hours into 12 Monkeys Season 2 so not much time has passed. I'm fine with the dynamic switch up this year.

Why would we want the characters to remain unchanged? As viewers we need to allow the story to play out and see where everyone ends up. I trust Terry and his team enough to do that and I'm sure they'll deliver.

Vivian surviving the paradox wasn't a shock, but her connection to the show's mythology was absolutely brilliant. Plus, we learned the Messengers are attempting to "stop time's cruel destruction." So that's what the Witness is after. To stop time altogether... Eeeek!

Jones' trip to the red forest cleared things up a bit. Primaries are "living, breathing gears in time's wristwatch." Destroying the gears collapses time. No past, no present, no future... Only now. That's pretty frakkin' insane if you think about it and Jennifer knows too much.

So long 1944, that was a blast wasn't it? What decade comes next, you think? Did you ever imagine Vivian was the Pallid Man's mother?

What did you think of "Emergence"? Did you have any idea the Monkeys were trying to destroy time? Can the team bury the past and move forward? Is Jennifer's life in danger? You're up my friends, hit the comments below and share your thoughts with me.

As always, you can watch 12 Monkeys online here via TV Fanatic if you missed any of the killer twists and turns.

NOTE: 12 Monkeys Season 2 Episode 5 is titled "Bodies of Water" and airs on May 16.

Emergence Review

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12 Monkeys Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Jones: Mr. Cole and doctor Railly are lost in time. This anomaly is threatening to kill us all. I don't have the time to break on through to the other side with you.
Jennifer: Jim Morrison. Primary.

Jones: We need you to go back to 1944, find them and bring them home safely.
Ramse: You trust me now?
Jones: I trust your relationship with Mr. Cole enough to know that you will help him.