Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 10 Review: Do Not Disturb

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Is Chris too far gone? That was the question left with us during the closing moments of this weeks episode.

On Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 10, we finally caught back up with Travis and Chris. It turns out, they're still as boring as when we last left them.

I don't know what it is about these two, but I just can't get invested in them. I'll just chalk this up to poorly written characters. 

The last two episodes were some of the better of the series. Unfortunately, this episode just wasn't up to par with them.

To be honest, I really couldn't care less about Travis and Chris' excursions. However, we did meet three new characters whose names sound like they're part of a boy band with Brandon, Derek and Baby James.

I didn't get the feeling Chris wanted to save Brandon during the store attack as much as he wanted to just kill an infected. Although, it did work to their advantage when the boy band caught up with them during their camp out when they were offered food and a ride to the next town.

Camping with the boy band made learning about these three a lot more enjoyable.

Brandon explaining that they call the infected "Wasted," because they thought the first infected they saw was a drunk person was humorous.

We'll come back, we always do.


When they arrived at the farm, I couldn't help but roll my eyes when Travis insisted on him and Chris staying there. Especially when Travis said that the farm is away from the road and isolated, yet Chris found it easily during the drive.

I understand Travis doesn't want to stray too far from Madison, but this whole situation seemed silly to me. When Travis noticed the three graves, it was obvious they weren't alone on that property.

Obviously someone had dug those graves. After the brief standoff in the barn between the farmer and Brandon, I was not surprised Chris was the one to pull the trigger without much hesitation. Nothing good ever came out of a barn in the world of The Walking Dead.

Back at the hotel, things picked up right where Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 9 ended. When Alycia gave the shaft to the infected chasing her into the elevator, I thought Ofelia would show up to save her. Yet, it was Elana, the hotel manager.

This may be nitpicking but the elevator scene bothered me. We're talking about mindless zombies, so how come when Alycia was hanging on the elevator cable, the infected were just standing at the door trying to reach her?

You'd think they would just walk right in and drop. It seemed like the infected were trying not to fall; in fact they were holding onto the wall. A minor gripe though.

I sort of felt for Elana while she was explaining to Alycia, her attempt contain the situation in the ballroom at the beginning of the hour. I can understand how important it is to maintain a five star hotel standard. Alycia told Elana that her group has done worse, but locking dozens of guests in the ballroom amidst an outbreak was just savage.

When they were luring the infected out of the stairwell and into the room, I almost thought Elana was going to leave Alycia on the balcony. I was a little surprised that the "other guests" Elana was talking about, were the surviving family members of the ballroom massacre.

They're holding a grudge against Elana for obvious reasons.

I loved when Alycia opened the bar door releasing the infected. I am really starting to like Alycia's growing ruthlessness.

When Alycia saw the infected that happened to look like Madison, it was obvious it wasn't her. Another attempt at tension that didn't work. I was a little disappointed that Madison saved Alycia from the hallway, only because I really wanted to see how Madison and Strand were able to escape the bar after being surrounded by infected.

Overall, the scenes at the hotel were okay, but the hour was bogged down by Travis and Chris. Since this show doesn't have many likable characters, it seems to be slightly better when it focuses on less of them.

Will Travis finally see Chris as a lost cause and leave him behind, or will Chris leave Travis since he has found some new friends who "look at him different"? Also, where in the world is Ofelia?

They look at me different.


What did you think of "Do Not Disturb"? Hit the comments below!

Don't forget, you can always watch Fear the Walking Dead online.

Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 11 airs next Sunday, 9/8C on AMC.

Do Not Disturb Review

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Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Chris: I can protect myself, you know that. I'm good at this.
Travis: That's what worries me.

Predators find prey.
