Twin Peaks Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Part 7

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There was finally some progress being made in Twin Peaks, enough of it, in fact, that there might be some actual answers headed our way at some point.

That's at least what Twin Peaks Season 1 Episode 7 lead me to believe, especially now that Hawk is putting all the pieces together and Cooper's muscle memory is kicking in.

Cooper is still not aware of his past or what he needs to do, but he is getting there, slowly, but surely. Meanwhile, Diane stole every scene she was in while also giving us a peak at her relationship with Cooper.

A Body - Twin Peaks

Diane threw F-bombs like nobody's business, and I couldn't have loved her more for it.

I had no idea what to expect, partly because I wasn't even sure if Diane existed. She was always mentioned by Cooper, but there was no explanation for who she was or what she meant to him.

Then again, we still don't know all of that yet. Diane exists, and she has a heavy history with Cooper. She worked for him, but there was something more, something dark that she remembers as their last moment together.

The way she reacted when she saw Evil Cooper though was nothing short of tragic. This night that they last saw each other was at first the last time the real Cooper interacted with Diane. 

But now, I don't think that is it.

With this revival being similar to Fire Walk With Me, sexual assault still appears from time to time.

What if the reason Diane reacted the way she did to any mention of Cooper is that Evil Cooper found her and hurt her? This wouldn't be a far stretch, but I'm not onboard for more violence against women.

This long overdue meeting stung a bit from the conclusion that Diane was hurt by Cooper, yet there was still some pushback when she told Gordon it wasn't him.

She hinted at clueing him in about what happened between her and Cooper too, but first, she made sure he knew that they weren't interacting with the person that they knew long ago.

At this point, I am fearful for what else we might learn about Evil Cooper's time as the real Cooper. So far it feels like none of this will end well, and there is a lot that went down in that time after Evil Cooper slammed his head into the mirror. 

Fuck you, Gordon. Fuck you too, Albert.


The actual Cooper is pushing back once more, finally letting that muscle memory of his kick.

The obvious clue would be him getting interested in every single badge he comes across. Yet it wasn't until he took that killer down like he did that I realized there are some significant shifts happening to this story.

Cooper is remembering the skills he had as an agent and maybe with some more dumb luck, he will be on his way to Twin Peaks in only a few days time.

Just getting him over there is enough, although if the Evil Cooper suspicions are right, maybe there is more to find.

Bob's signature move was raping women, so if Evil Cooper visited one person from Cooper's past, maybe there were others who are now meeting real Cooper with no knowledge of what actually happened.

Hawk is really the only person who is figuring it all out and could have an explanation for everything. Right now, if the real Cooper met people from his past, they might not be as welcoming as we may have wanted.

Gordon: But you'll go with me?
Albert: Say please.

Twin Peaks is connecting the dots like never before, with the pages from Laura Palmer's diary for example.

Hawk shows the Sheriff that these are the missing pages that could lead them to what happened with Cooper. They piece together that someone evil could have emerged from The Black Lodge.

This extends further when Will Hayward Skype calls the Sheriff and reveals that Evil Cooper visited Audrey in the hospital. She had survived the accident and strangely enough, Cooper was there.

Now I don't want to allude to anything, but based on the minimal information we have on what Evil Cooper seemed to be doing after he left The Black Lodge and mixing that with Bob's horrible history, things aren't looking good.

I don't even want to start wondering if Evil Cooper visited Audrey and Richard was conceived out of another brutal attack, yet all signs are pointing to some dark stuff up ahead.

All of a sudden I'd rather not see Audrey than have it revealed that of this all happened while she was in a coma and Richard is her son, as evil as his potential father.

I'll deny this theory until it, hopefully, turns out to be a misleading event that never happened.

Jerry: I think I'm high.
Ben: Oh good lord, Jerry.
Jerry: I don't know where I am.

As for Major Briggs and that body that might actually be him, I have nothing. 

I have no clue where that is going except that it is very mysterious, and I want to know how he could have died so recently and yet aged backward.

Colonel Davis knows something but not enough to explain away what is going on with this headless body. And is it a coincidence that, in the beginning when Cooper was trying to make his way back to Earth, he ended up seeing Major Briggs' head floating around?

That was really the tip of the iceberg because there was also that strange guy walking around with no real answer about what that meant or who he was.

Is there a chance though that Major Briggs could have been alive for this long? How did his body not age? Why did Bobby not know about this? What is actually happening here?

Wait a minute, I think that was the room where Agent Cooper was shot.

Ben Horne

Thanks to Will Hayward there is some more substance to both the Cooper and Audrey cliffhangers. Cooper was taken to the hospital but right away they picked up on his strange behavior. As for Audrey, she survived but was in a coma when Cooper was brought in so there wasn't anything else we heard about her condition.

This is all just me demanding we see her at this point because it is getting ridiculous. If we can watch Ben Horne listening for a sound in his office, we could see where and what Audrey is up to. 

Evil Cooper escaped which was the truly frustrating part of all of this. Now that Diane figured out that Evil Cooper isn't the person she knew it was all heading somewhere promising, which of course means everything is five steps behind again.

Although maybe there will be an effort to piece what happened together without everyone looking for Evil Cooper, instead at least one of them could make the trip out to Twin Peaks.

What was up with Jerry Horne? Is he just high or do we need to keep an eye out on him? And what was that meeting that Andy never got to have? Maybe he is onto something too.

Those two plus minutes of sweeping gave so much away. I'm shocked they even showed that much footage of the scene. But really, now that we are moving in the direction of some answers, of course, this turns into us being tricked into watching a clean-up scene at the bar. 

What did you think of the episode? Which story are you most excited to see being pushed forward? Which do you care about least right now? Are you piecing anything together yet? How worried are you about what Evil Cooper might have done as Real Cooper? Let us know below! 

If you need to rewatch anything that we've seen so far, you can watch Twin Peaks online right here on TV Fanatic.

Part 7 Review

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Yana Grebenyuk was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in April 2021.

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Twin Peaks Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Jerry: I think I'm high.
Ben: Oh good lord, Jerry.
Jerry: I don't know where I am.

Gordon: But you'll go with me?
Albert: Say please.